Free Fire (FF) Scope Tips for an Auto Headshot!

The assault rifle and a sniper is one of the weapon that is useful to battle in long range. Which is why, scope is really important in this game. So here we have some Free Fire scope tips for an auto headshot.


Free Fire is a battle royale game that has millions of players worldwide. In this game, you can use many weapons according to your own playing style. The assault rifle and a sniper is one of the weapon that is useful to battle in long range. Which is why, scope is really important in this game. So here we have some Free Fire scope tips for an auto headshot.

Free Fire Scope Tips for an Auto Headshot

Don’t use full auto when using a scope

This tip is actually relative to most players in the game. But usually, when Free Fire players are using a scope, they’re not using full auto to have better control. Some weapons like the AN94 and the AK47 has huge recoil that is difficult to control in full auto, especially when using a scope. As a solution, you can try using the burst or single fire when using a scope. When you’re using a scope, accuracy is more important then DPS.

High accuracy weapon is important

In long range proximity, some weapons has the advantage with better accuracy in the statistics. Most of those weapons are the assault rifle or a sniper. Some weapons like the assault rifle or the DMR with high initial damage is recommended when you’re scoping. The reason why is that assault rifles has high accuracy and damage, making it easier to use when using a scope.

Use the right character

There are some character that is powerful when using a scope in Free Fire. One of the character that has this skill is Laura. Laura is a character in Free Fire that is able to increase her firing accuracy when using a scope. If you’re using this character, try to find a good position to shoot your enemy properly.

Don’t move too much when aiming

The reason to use scope in Free Fire is to get more consistent and better accuracy. If you’re scoping while moving or jumping then it will be difficult for you to aim properly. Which is why, try to stay still when you’re scoping.

And that’s some of the Free Fire scope tips for an auto headshot that you need to know. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!