Free Fire Map Size Total Area (FF)


Free Fire has released lots of the latest updates that are quite diverse for us to try playing right now. Especially with the presence of the FF Map Size Total Area, you can find out everything immediately. So that later when playing the Free Fire game you won’t be confused anymore to explore the map much easier.

The updates that appear in the Free Fire game itself are indeed quite diverse, so players can immediately have fun while playing. Not to mention the challenging mission, surely you will immediately feel curious to try it right away.

Players must know what is a map in Free Fire , one of the things that has appeared from the start to the future in the game. Become the place of our battle against every Enemy in Classic or Ranked matches.

Then for the Total Area Size of the FF Map, you can immediately understand each size of this game’s Map right now. That way the players don’t only know the name, but we can know the size right now.

Free Fire Map Size Total Area (FF)

The average Free Fire map has an area of ​​8×8 km and accommodates 50 players in one match and is very popular.

  • Bermuda: 64 Km (8×8 Square).
  • Purgatory: 121 Km (11×11 Squares).
  • Kalahari: 64 Km (8×8 Plots).
  • Bermuda Remastered: 64 Km (8×8 Squares).
  • Alpine: 64 Km (8×8 Plots).
  • NeXTerra: 64 Km (8×8 Petak).

The size of the Total Area of ​​the Free Fire Map itself is indeed very wide, but Purgatory still holds the largest area. Of course, being a map is considered to be very wide, so the players will also feel very exciting in facing their enemies.

Total Area Size of the FF Map

Of course those of you who compete later will feel for yourself the comparison of the Map with size, even the distance traveled when driving. So that the size of the Free Fire Map Area will be able to determine the speed of the plane’s descent which we saw for the first time descending into the battlefield.

Seeing for themselves the Total Area Size of the FF Map, players can see firsthand what the conditions are like right now. It becomes a place to fight that is so exciting and challenging, even a place where we can get a Booyah.

Then some of the Strongest Weapons in Free Fire do have expertise in certain maps, because they can help players to play. So that when we face the enemy later it will be easy, let alone adjusting to the match later.