How many Tokens are needed to get the Feline Flaneur Bundle on Free Fire (FF)?

Free Fire always comes with exciting adventures that can be explored, including finding out how many Feline Flaneur Free Fire (FF) Bundle Tokens are needed? For those who are curious, let’s find out more in this article.

Free Fire players must already know how many cool features can be accessed in this game. Every time there is a new update, there is definitely new excitement that can be enjoyed while playing.

If you want to know more details, before continuing to read, first check the tips for making cooler nicknames using Cool Fonts in Free Fire. With these suggestions, you can try more fashionable name variations.

In this article, we will discuss in detail how many Tokens are needed to get the Feline Flaneur Bundle on Free Fire. So, make sure to read the article so you understand the details well.

How many Tokens are needed to get the Feline Flaneur Bundle on Free Fire (FF)?

Of course, in the Free Fire game itself there are many interesting things that you can try. Like the Fleine Flaneur Bundle event this time where you can try to get the bundle by exchanging 250 tokens.

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Of course, you also need diamonds first before you can get the token. This is because you have to draw later at the token tower event.

As explained earlier, now FF game players can find out how many tokens are needed for the Feline Flaneur bundle in the game. So you can prepare it in the game.

That was the explanation about how many tokens you need to get the Feline Flaneur bundle in the FF game. Of course, with this explanation you can find out and what do you think is the explanation?