How much does the Nexus Engineer Skin Chip cost Mobile Legends (ML)?

The Mobile Legends game certainly has many new things that players can find out about. For example, to discuss how much is the Nexus Engineer Mobile Legends (ML) Skin Chip? That way you can find out what it will be like.

Surely you players of the Mobile Legends game also know that this game has many interesting things. This can also be seen from several updates that continue to arrive in the game.

For example, you can also see several skins that keep appearing in the game. That way, players definitely want to know what it looks like or how to get it later in the game.

If you are curious and want to see the explanation straight away, you can just look at the article, but there are also interesting things related to the explanation for this Squad Name in Mobile Legends . So that later you can find out what it is like.

Seeing the explanation of some of the squad names, the game players will be able to use one of them. Of course, from the many references available, you can make various creations.

In the article below, we will discuss the price of the Nexus Engineer Chip skin in the MLBB game. This is something that makes players of this game curious to know what it is like.

How much does the Nexus Engineer Skin Chip cost Mobile Legends (ML)?

The Nexus Engineer Chip skin can be obtained with 51 diamonds for a discount in the first week of release, but the normal price is 269 diamonds. So that later you players can try to buy the tank/support hero skin in the game.

Regarding this skin, it will also be released simultaneously with the release of this hero, namely on March 16 2024 this time. So this skin can be obtained by Mobile Legends players for the new heroes this time.

Who knows, those of you who are suitable for using the Chip hero will be able to buy the skin this time. Although, as is also known, normal or basic skins only change the color of the hero’s appearance and no effect is given.

This kind of information can certainly be found out from MLBB players this time regarding the price of the Nexus Engineer Chip skin this time. You can find out and try to buy it later in the game.

So that’s the explanation regarding the price of the Nexus Engineer Chip skin in the MLBB game this time. Hopefully you can understand it and what do you think about the explanation in the article, is it interesting?