How to Activate the 120 FPS Secret Button Mobile Legends (ML)

Mobile Legends for this game will certainly be exciting with the various features in the game. For example, with this explanation on How to Activate the 120 FPS Secret Button in Mobile Legends (ML), you can find out about this.

Indeed, there are various kinds of updates that continue to appear in the game and it is interesting for you to explore the details so that you can take advantage of them.

Some of these updates certainly also include several features that players have to try to be able to play the MLBB game even more excitingly.

You can see an explanation regarding this in the article, but maybe you can also see the Mobile Legends Hero Role Types this time.

This is because it is possible that by explaining several types of hero roles, players will be able to understand them later and not be confused when playing the game.

This time in our article we will discuss how to activate the secret 120 FPS button in the MLBB game, of course. You can find out the details in the article below.

How to Activate the 120 FPS Secret Button Mobile Legends (ML)

To activate the secret button, you can open the settings menu then in the basic menu go straight to refresh rate, there is a secret button with the logo “?” to be able to open 90 to 120 FPS and after that you can restart the game.

This will of course work if the device you have supports being able to achieve that FPS, because otherwise you won’t be able to get Ultra FPS for the MLBB game this time.

Ultra Refresh Rate is very useful for making you play the MLBB game smoother, because you can play at 120 FPS, which is different from High Refresh Rate which can only capture 60 FPS.

Even though using a higher FPS can make you smoother, the downside is that the battery usage will of course be more wasteful.

With this secret button, this is one way that you players might be quite confused about why your supported device can’t open up to Ultra in the MLBB game settings.

From this explanation, this time you players of the MLBB game can find out how to activate the secret 120 FPS button in the game.

Likewise, there is an explanation of how to activate the secret 120 FPS button in the MLBB game. Surely you can understand this time and what do you think is the explanation?