How to Counter Meta 2 Retri Mobile Legends (ML)


Mobile Legends has released lots of the latest updates that have such an effect on all players. Then you can see How to Counter Meta 2 Retri Mobile Legends (ML), one of the most troubling metas in the game. Many of the players said that during the first update, Meta 2 Retri was indeed quite strong.

Indeed, it is no less competitive than the current meta, depending on the use of the players in dealing with their enemies. The emergence of Meta itself is usually in a Gameplay and the strength of each Hero. Makes us interested and want to use it in order to win.

Then from all the Updated Hero Collections in the Mobile Legends Game, it will definitely give us a strength. Facing and fighting enemies very easily so we can win the battle because of this.

Especially for How to Counter Meta 2 Retri Mobile Legends (ML), we have to do it right when dealing with enemies like this. Because the Hero uses Retri 2, surely they will also continue to invade your Jungle. That’s the thing we have to be most aware of, as well as counter it as well as possible.

How to Counter Meta 2 Retri Mobile Legends (ML)

Avoid Jungle Invasion

How to Counter Meta 2 Retri Mobile Legends (ML)

If you become Hyper, then you have to make sure there are friends who accompany you when doing Farming or taking care of the other Buff. Of course this will make us quite safe, because the position of the Buff seems to be disturbed or not.

This is a point that we must pay attention to, especially in the Early Game position where you will definitely feel very strong after killing forest monsters. That’s one of the advantages of 2 Retri, so you have to be wary of the one who uses Retri to mess up your forest.

How to Counter Meta 2 Retri Mobile Legends is to attack the enemy jungle

So on the other hand, if there are 2 Retri enemy positions, we have to attack one of them so that the other Retri user becomes chaotic. Even if one of the enemies messes up our jungle, then direct 1 friend to watch and disturb his movements.

Then the Hyper can go inside and immediately Rush the position of the Enemy who is using Retri. This will be a struggle that will certainly be felt very much, so we must be able to activate the Retrieve with the right time so that the enemy’s buff can be taken.

Get One of Them

How to Counter Meta 2 Retri Mobile Legends (ML)

Usually those who use 2 Retri are one of the backups, so we can target those who become Core in the enemy team so that they can easily win. Because with your Farming position you can certainly be more prepared and not too difficult to face enemies like this.

So that later when we start to enter the Mid game, we can be superior in facing those who have 2 Retri. As the right opportunity, so that your game will run more smoothly.

How to Counter Meta 2 Retri Mobile Legends is to Take Objective Moments

Lord or Turtle will be a very difficult Objective when you take it if the enemy has 2 Retri. Therefore you have to take a moment where we steal the opportunity to take this objective.

Surely something like this is indeed very influential, it could even be one that we have to pay attention to. Opening the opportunity for Lord and Turtle when the enemy is 2 Retri is wrong, but slowly if you take the opportunity in the middle it’s still good.

Focus and Whenever Possible Wipeout

How to Counter Meta 2 Retri Mobile Legends (ML)

As much as possible, your team must wipe out the enemy, because this will indeed be a danger in the future. Players with 2 Retrieve, we will definitely pay attention to it, don’t get overwhelmed by things like that.

Especially if you’re focused, then facing the enemy will be even easier, it won’t be too difficult to be able to do something like that. Because we can make good use of the moment to attack and defeat them all.

After knowing How to Counter Meta 2 Retri Mobile Legends (ML), you will have a good attack, so that the enemy is not free when playing. Because players are able to fight properly and correctly because of this.