How to Get 100 Crystals of Aurora for Free in Mobile Legends (ML)

You can find many interesting things in the Mobile Legends game for several updates. For example, with the discussion this time, namely How to Get 100 Crystals of Aurora for Free in Mobile Legends (ML), you will definitely be able to understand this.

Especially you players of the MLBB game are definitely looking forward to several updates with the latest content so that you can experience various interesting new things.

Some of the latest content updates also include new events, of course players shouldn’t miss this in getting some of the existing prizes.

Later, you will also check the explanation of the squad names that are currently popular in Mobile Legends this time before discussing this topic in more detail in a later article.

Because maybe if you look at the explanations for some of the squad names, you can try using them in the game which might become a reference for later changing the squad name.

Returning to the topic discussion, later you will be able to find out how to get 100 Crystals of Aurora for free in the MLBB game this time. 

If you are curious about this, you can just look at the following article so you can understand how to get it later.

How to Get 100 Crystals of Aurora for Free in Mobile Legends (ML)

To get 100 Crystals of Aurora or COA, you can enter the Happy Birthday event in the MLBB game, which you can try, of course.

The way to do this is by entering your date of birth and if you have entered that date you will enter the Happy Birthday event to choose the hero you already have, which will be converted into 100 Crystals of Aurora or COA.

This is indeed quite profitable for you because the COA itself, as you know, can be used later in the shop menu to do gacha.

Apart from getting a hero or COA for free at the Happy Birthday event, you will also be able to get an Epic skin, even though it’s only in the form of a trial this time.

With this explanation, you players of the ML game this time can find out how to get 100 Crystals of Aurora this time in the game.

This time the discussion on this topic is enough and you can also try out how to get 100 COA in the MLBB game.

Regarding the discussion on this matter, this time you can find out and what do you think about this explanation, is it interesting for you to try to follow?