How to Get the Hero Aamon Mobile Legends (ML)


Mobile Legends always update the Hero that you can get. Including a way to get the Aamon Mobile Legends (ML) Hero, of course you have to see the progress of updates from this method. So that later we can also directly use the Hero, then we use it to compete against enemies in Rank.

Various updates are present in the current Mobile Legends game, of course there are many things that we can also get from this. Including for the release part, several things will indeed appear in this game soon. You have to try a new one, to give a different impression when you face the enemy later.

Especially for the presence of the Mobile Legends Skin Collector List , one piece of information which of course cannot be missed. So you know that this is a list that you can see, even guess which Skin Collectors exist and look cool.

Then to find out how to get Aamon Mobile Legends (ML) Hero, this will help you to have a new Hero. So that later at the start of the release, you can immediately use it and arrange the build as you like to play.

How to Get the Hero Aamon Mobile Legends (ML)

  1. Enter the Mobile Legends Game

    The first thing you can do is enter the Mobile Legends game, because it will be easier to get it if you have logged in. Hero Aamon will usually appear immediately at the beginning, when we just enter and it turns out that it has been released.

  2. Open Shop

    Then you will open the Shop and choose the Recommendations or Hero section, because when the Hero is released, it will definitely appear in that section. You will immediately find it and maybe you can immediately buy the Hero.

  3. Get Hero Aamon Using BP and Diamond Mobile Legends

    Then if you have found the Hero, we will immediately buy it using the Battle Points or Diamonds that you have. At the beginning of the release, there will definitely be a large discount, but if that only applies to purchases using DM and for BP, it won’t have any effect at all later.
    32 thousand for BP and 549 for Dm.

  4. Aamon Will Enter Your Hero Account List as an Assassin

    The role that this Hero has is indeed Assassin, a great power and of course you shouldn’t ignore it. If you have bought it, you will definitely be included in the list, open it immediately and have this Hero for training and setting up a really strong build.

  5. Use Hero Aamon 3 times in Classic Mode

    Before you use Hero Aamon in Ranked Mode, you must first use this Hero in Classic Mode 3 times. So that you know what the potential is like and you won’t be confused about the mechanism for using this Hero later.

How to Get the Hero Aamon Mobile Legends (ML)

To follow the section on How to Get the Hero Aamon Mobile Legends, it’s quite easy. You can find out part of the new Aamon Hero Release Date and Price . Surely your combat power will be even better if you use Aamon in the land of dawn match later.

Even a surprising fact, that Aamon himself is Gusion’s brother. As a strong Assassin and not easily defeated by his enemies. The strength of this Hero is also challenging, you will be excited when learning a new hero like Aamon like this.

After knowing how to get the Hero Aamon Mobile Legends (ML), let’s just try this method and have it. Make sure this Hero is included in your Assassin List, use a combined and overpowered build later.