Kelly Free Fire Background Story, The Agile FF Elite!

These stories in Free Fire may vary. Some might be a fun story, and some might be sad. But with these stories in the game, it will surely adds more fun in Free Fire. Since every character has different background which will shape different characteristics and skills later on.


Up to this moment, there are plenty amount of games available in android, and it gives us plenty of option on what to play in android. New updates in those games will surely increases the popularity of those games. If you want to play one of those awesome games, you can try downloading Free Fire. There are many features available in Free Fire. Here we have Kelly background story in Free Fire that you need to know!

We also have some tips for you to play Free Fire like a pro that you can check out here!

Kelly’s Background Story

The story starts with the picture of little Kelly carried by someone mysterious, as she looks at the picture from her past. At the moment, she doesn’t feel anything wrong and everything seems fine, despite she’s living by herself and full of mystery regarding his family.

As an adult, she doesn’t really mind anything about her past. Kelly live happily ever after with her family, her mother and her step father named Andrew.

You must have known Andrew. He is a character in Free Fire that has a powerful defensive skill. He is also a really powerful policeman, so he can battle easily.

One day there is a trouble coming in her life, that completely changes the course of her life. Her mother and her step father separate, making Kelly misses her father every time.

As a way to escape from her problems, she became a running athlete. And she can run fast because she keeps on training herself. Which is why, her running speed is unbeatable by the other.

Maxim and Misha as Her Best Friend

Kelly also has a best friend that always accompany her as she exercise. They are Maxim and Misha. Both of her friend always support Kelly as she train herself to be the fastest runner.

One day, she is kidnapped by an organization named FF. And suddenly, as she wakes up, she is already on a plane and ready to jump to land. This indicates that she is now a part of an experiment from the FF organization.

Not just Kelly, but some of the other character is in it too, including Maxim and Misha. Finally, when Kelly lands in an island named Bermuda, she is attacked by so many people that she didn’t know and she don’t know what to do at first. But because the experiment works, Kelly become one of the most powerful character in the island.

She manages to beat many people in the island that tries to kill her beforehand.

These stories in Free Fire may vary. Some might be a fun story, and some might be sad. But with these stories in the game, it will surely adds more fun in Free Fire. Since every character has different background which will shape different characteristics and skills later on. Good luck and don’t forget to follow esportsku!