List of the sickest Hero Marksman (MM) Mobile Legends (ML)

This is the choice of the sickest marksman hero in 2022 that you can play at the end of season 21 in Mobile Legends.


Mobile Legends has a row of marksman heroes or the sickest mm that you can play in 2022. These heroes are indeed meta and popular to play, especially at the end of season 27.

Marksman is a typical hero with high basic attack abilities, this hero is good at mastering the late game and has a high basic attack and attack speed.

Hero marksman is generally used as a core hero, sidelaner or even as support. So for those of you who are curious what are the deadliest and sickest MM heroes in 2022?

My following esports summarizes the list of the sickest marksman heroes that you can use to get the coffers of points in the Mobile Legends game.

List of the sickest Hero Marksman (MM) Mobile Legends (ML)

The following is the sickest marksman (MM) hero in mobile legends (ML):


Skin Hanabi Setelah Skin Venom Mobile Legends

The first sick marksman hero was given to Hanabi, yep, this one hero is indeed the king in the late game, although in the early game it is not so sick but this one hero is able to survive until the end of the game.

Make no mistake, basic attacks in the late game will defeat all your opponents, and even this one hero is a very suitable hero for team fights.

Hanabi’s ability is to give particle damage effects to each of her basic attacks which if there is more than one opponent, the attack will continue to hit the opponent who is not even the target.


The next hero is Roger who is one of the marksman heroes with a hybrid fighter, this hero has both close and long range attacks that are quite good in every attack.

Roger’s ability lies in Wolf mode which will attack opponents barbarically and provide attacks with high attack speed, this attack is able to sweep all existing opponents.

Roger was chosen as one of the best and sickest marksman heroes in 2022. You can play Roger as a core hero or jungler in the game.


Kata-kata Hero Layla

Next is Layla, a marksman hero with low mobility abilities, the other hero apparently has the most damage from other marksman heroes.

Not only that, even without an escape skill, Layla’s strength is the attack that has the furthest distance from the current marksman hero.

This hero is the choice of the sickest marksman hero in 2022. Each of his attacks and attack speed is able to defeat anyone, especially during the late game.


For the next hero, Miya, is a marskan hero with the ability to shoot arrows at the opponent, this one hero becomes the sickest hero, especially in the late game.

Miya’s attack can be said to rely on attack speed and lifesteal, this attack will be even more painful if you use the first skill that makes the attack three-way.

This hero is perfect for impromptu attacks where with the help of his ultimate, Miya will settle towards the enemy and then attack him without the opponent knowing.


Lesley is a marksman hero with a very deadly single target, he deserves the title of the sickest marksman in 2022 because of his fast attacks and even in a few attacks he can defeat his opponent.

Usually playing Lesley is by settling and then attacking the opponent with the first basic attack, this attack is able to make the opponent dying easily.

Then the second attack will make the opponent run away, after that Lesley’s ultimate attack will target the opponent who is running away and defeat him.


Granger is a hero who just got the latest Megatron skin in the current Mobile Legends update, it is certain that this hero gets a significant buff that makes him very OP.

This one hero relies on the first skill attack that attacks the target quickly, dozens of bullets shoot towards the target and make him immediately die.

After escaping, Granger will use his ultimate that attacks the opponent with a long-range attack, the damage given is very large and is able to shed all his opponents.


Beatrix is ​​a marksman with the highest mechanic among other marksman, this hero is known for his 8 skills and 4 weapons to use in the game.

Beatrix’s attacks will also get bigger based on the weapons used, and one attack even this one hero is able to make the opponent’s guts shrink because it is able to make dying in one shot.

You can also take advantage of each of Beatrix’s weapons, each of which is very varied and has a different attack and is no less deadly.


Bruno is a marksman hero with deadly basic damage abilities, Bruno’s skills allow each attack to bounce from opponent to opponent.

In addition, Bruno will also get a significant buff in the upcoming update, making him one of the marksman who will shine again.

You can use Bruno in meta to play in Ranked Match, this one hero will not disappoint you, especially in the final game in Mobile Legends.


The last recommended hero from Esportsku as the sickest marksman in 2022 is Moskov. This marksman hero has a passive basic attack that can penetrate the opponent’s back attack.

Moskov can be a sidelane hero or as a core which if in the late game this one hero is very deadly, focusing on build attack speed, lifesteal and critical will make Moskov very deadly.

So that’s it for the sickest Marksman or MM heroes in 2022 in the Mobile Legends game. Which is your favorite marksman hero? See you in the next article!