Overpower Alvaro Tips in Free Fire (FF)!

Alvaro's skill will make you able to increase damage and area damage to any explosive in the game. So now we have some overpower Alvaro tips in Free Fire for you to know this character better.


Free Fire is a battle royale game that has millions of active players worldwide. And in this game, there are many different characters with different skills that you can try to use. One of the best character that you can try using is Alvaro in Free Fire. This character is really suitable for those of you who like to use an explosive weapon or item in Free Fire. It’s because Alvaro’s skill will make you able to increase damage and area damage to any explosive in the game. So now we have some overpower Alvaro tips in Free Fire for you to know this character better.


Alvaro is a character that can be really powerful when using any explosive weapon. His skill can make him able to increase any explosive damage in the game. You can use a weapon like a launcher or an item like grenades in order to use his skill. His skill is really useful to attack multiple enemies at once.

In level 1, his skill can increase his explosive damage for up to 6% and 7% in terms of damage area. It will gradually increase if you level up this character by keep on playing the game using this character. In maximum level, Alvaro can increase explosive damage for up to 16% with 10% increase in damage area.

Overpower Alvaro Tips in Free Fire!

When using Alvaro in Free Fire, the best moment to use his skill is when you find an enemy hiding inside a house or a building. You can throw a grenade through the window or shoot at them with a launcher weapon in Free Fire. But beforehand, you need to find some frag grenades and launcher weapon in order to kill your enemy with Alvaro’s skill. However, you need to be careful when you’re using any explosive. It’s because if you miss, there is a chance that you will hit your teammate. A friendly fire is a mistake that you need to avoid at all cost. If you’re playing with your team, you can try to communicate with your teammate if you want to use some explosive in the game.

And that’s some overpower Alvaro tips in Free Fire that you need to know. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!