Mobile Legends will currently continue to get the latest updates in the game. For example, this time you can also see Skin Collector Layla Paranormal Operative Mobile Legends ( ML ), Release Date, Price & How to Get it! From this you can find out.
For those of you players who often play the Mobile Legends game, it’s certainly no surprise that the game will continue to present new skins. You can know this of course from the release of content with existing skins.
If you want to know what the release of this skin was like, for details, you can look at the article below, but you can also see this discussion regarding Skin Squad Mobile Legends .
Below you can find out about the release date, price and how to get the Collector Layla Paranormal Operative skin in MLBB. If you’re curious about what it’s like, you can just take a look this time for a more detailed discussion.
Skin Collector Layla Paranormal Operative Mobile Legends (ML), Release Date, Price & How to Get!
The newest Collector skin in the game this time, namely for the Layla hero named Paranormal Operative, will probably be released in July 2024. That way, the skin for the Marksman hero can be obtained in the Mobile Legends game .
Where this time the hero Layla herself received several changes in terms of her appearance, such as the theme of the Exorcist skin this time. This skin is also the first skin collector for the marksman hero.
Price Skin Collector Layla
The Collector Layla skin has a price of 3000-6000 diamonds or around Rp. 1,500,000,- so you can try to have it later. Because with this amount you can do gacha at the Grand Collection event.
To get this skin, of course you can also find out how to do it. This time you can find out how to get it with the guide below.
How to Get Layla Collector Skin
1. Login Game
First of course, what you have to do is log into the game. Where this skin will be released later in July 2024, so later you can log in of course for that schedule.
2. Open Event Grand Collection
Next, you search for and open the Grand Collection event, that way you can find the Collector Layla Paranormal Operative skin prize there. At this event, you will need diamonds to draw.
3. Draw or Gacha in the event
You can just draw with the diamonds you have, you can also use tokens to save even more in drawing later at the event. This is indeed quite profitable for players.
4. Skin Collector Layla Already Owned
After drawing and spending lots of diamonds, you can get the Collector Layla Paranormal Operative skin. So you can then use it straight away in the land of dawn.
Regarding this discussion, you players of the MLBB game this time can find out what the Collector Layla skin is like from release to price. That way you can find out how and get the skin.
That’s all the information you can find out about the Collector Layla Paranormal Operative skin, when it will be released, price and how to get it in the MLBB game. Regarding this, you can also understand it and what do you think about the information this time?