Surprise Box Schedule February 2024 Mobile Legends (ML)

Mobile Legends certainly always presents various interesting events for you to take part in. For example, with the discussion this time for the February 2024 Mobile Legends (ML) Surprise Box Schedule. You will later be able to find out when the event will take place.

For those of you who like playing MLBB games, you are definitely always waiting for the newest content that is always present in the game, which will definitely make you even more curious to find out about the updates.

Where the latest content also includes events that will continue to be released later in the game, of course players will also be increasingly interested in finding out what events will take place.

Also check the explanation regarding Squad Names in Mobile Legends this time before seeing a more detailed discussion in the article below. This is because you might be able to find out some of the squad names that can be used later.

In the following article, we will provide an explanation regarding the surprise box schedule for February 2024 in the MLBB game. If you are curious about this, just look at the article below.

Surprise Box Schedule February 2024 Mobile Legends (ML)

The Surprise Box event will take place on February 24 2024 in the Mobile Legends game. Players will be able to try taking part in this event to get skins.

As is also known, for the Surprise Box event itself, players can try to get skins later by doing the gacha in the event in the game, of course.

Drop Rate Hadiah Surprise Box Mobile Legends (ML)

Of course, the prize pool itself is also very interesting for you to get, starting from the Nomal, Elite, Special, Epic skins and you can even get the Collector skin later. You can also take advantage of free draw tokens when trying to win at this event.

From this explanation, this time the players for the MLBB game can find out about the schedule for the Surprise Box which will take place in February 2024, this time in the game, of course.

That’s a little discussion about what the schedule for the Surprise Box will be like which will take place in February 2024 in the MLBB game. From this explanation, do you understand and what do you think of the explanation?