The Price of Hayabusa Exorcist Skin in Mobile Legends (ML)?

The Mobile Legends game is becoming increasingly exciting for players to learn about. For example, like the discussion this time for the Hayabusa Exorcist Mobile Legends (ML) Skin Price? Obviously, you can immediately see what it looks like.

It is not surprising of course that the Mobile Legends game is currently a mobile game that is increasingly popular to play. This is because there is a lot of new excitement that you can try later in the game, of course.

You can also find out about the release of several of the newest skins in the game. With the release of several of these skins, players will be wondering how they look or how to get them in the game.

To find out a more detailed explanation later, you can just look at the article, of course, but before that you can also find out what the Squad Names are like in Mobile Legends so that you understand.

In this discussion, you will be able to better understand what squad names are available for you to use. Or maybe by looking at the explanation later you can create a newer and of course cooler name.

In the following article, we will discuss the price of the Hayabusa Exorcist Skin for the MLBB game. If you’re curious about this, just take a look this time at what the discussion is like regarding skin prices in the game.

The Price of Hayabusa Exorcist Skin in Mobile Legends (ML)?

For the Hayabusa Exorcist skin, you will need 4000 to 8000 diamonds later. With this number of diamonds, you will do gacha at The Exorcist event which will take place of course in the Mobile Legends game.

The Exorcist event which presents the newest skin series will be released on May 18 2024. Where later there will be Hayabusa skins as well as Granger, Yu Zhong and Kagura skins at this event of course.

Of course, you can draw the number of diamonds mentioned at the event to collect the crest and claim the skin. Of course, this crest does require a lot of diamonds so you can get it in the game.

For those of you who are users of the Hayabusa hero, this time you can try to collect diamonds to get the Exorcist series skin. This skin certainly makes the appearance and visual effects of the assassin hero cooler.

Obviously for this information you can find out for MLBB game players about the price of the Exorcist skin for the hero Hayabusa. So when the skin is released, you will have prepared the diamonds needed this time.

Regarding the discussion this time, this is the price for the Exorcist skin in the MLBB game. Regarding the existing discussion, you can also understand and you can also buy it directly.