What are Sparkle Glow Sticks in Mobile Legends (ML)?

Mobile Legends certainly has various features that you can try to find out about later. For example, what are Sparkle Glow Sticks in Mobile Legends (ML)? For this, later you will be able to find out what the explanation is like.

Especially for those of you who are Mobile Legends game players, you will be very enthusiastic about finding out about some of the newest updates. Because in this update there will definitely be several changes that will occur later in the game.

Moreover, in the game there will be some new content which will definitely be something new to try. So you can find out what the function is or how to get it.

You can find this explanation in the article, but there are also interesting things for you to know, such as Squad Names in Mobile Legends , so you can understand what they are like.

You can try to find out more clearly about some of the squad names that are available later in the explanation. So there will be even cooler creations for the squad you have later in the game.

This time in the article we will explain what the Sparkle Glow Sticks are like in the MLBB game for you to know. Just take a look this time to find out what the explanation is like.

What are Sparkle Glow Sticks in Mobile Legends (ML)?

Sparkle Glow Sticks themselves are one of the items that can be used to claim prizes for the 2024 ALLSTAR event. Of course, this event, which is always present every year in the Mobile Legends game, is definitely interesting enough to be able to participate in.

The prizes you can get after exchanging these items include skins, emotes, recalls, spawns and also heroes. Of course you free players shouldn’t miss this while in the game.

Later these items can be utilized and used starting from March 16 2024 to April 30 2024 in the game. So you have quite a long time to get the various prizes in the game this time.

Regarding this information, you MLBB game players can also find out what Sparkle Glow Sticks are. So you can use it in games and make good use of it, of course.

That’s an explanation of what Sparkle Glow Sticks are in the MLBB game so you can find out. So that way you can understand and is the explanation interesting this time for you to learn from the article?