What is META Solid Mobile Legends that is popular in MPL PH (ML)

Surely you are curious about what META Solid is in ML. You must understand and read on below so that you are not confused anymore when playing.


Recently, MPL PH has often been the pioneer and spearhead in effective META. Even now from the Blacklist, there is an explanation of what META Solid Mobile Legends is popular in MPL PH thanks to them. Surely you are curious about what META Solid is in ML. You must understand and read on below so that you are not confused anymore when playing.

This also makes the Blacklist quite strong in playing because their team plays as a very solid group. This also makes Blacklist achieve many winsstreaks and only lose once in the regular season.

As one of the strongest in the tight competition, of course, the Blacklist is a team that must be studied. One of them is META which they use several times.

What is META Solid Mobile Legends that is popular in MPL PH

This META was popular initially when it was used by the International Blacklist in MPL PH. With this META, they have dominated the opposing team several times because they always win team fights.

For those who are curious about what META Solid is, in the MPL PH scene this has also been referred to several times as UBE (Ultimate Bonding Experience) Strategy. This strategy will create one healer/support that will be protected by 4 other heroes.

Now it’s a bit similar to META hyper where 1 hero core is protected by 4 other heroes, but this is reversed. In this META, even 1 healer or support will be protected by 4 other heroes.

In theory it can be very strong for example with the presence of Estes, Angela, or Rafaela. If these healers and buffers can stay alive then their team can continue to strengthen without stopping.

Roughly speaking, if you compare it to MMORPG games, if the support or healer dies, the party will be in trouble. Now at MPL PH, you could say Blacklist International was successful thanks to this method.

Strong Because of OhMyV33NUS

What makes this META strong is because of the Blacklist captain, OhMyV33NUS. V33NUS always plays well and can be a brain for their team with a very clever game.

In this strategy, it is necessary to have players as IGL who have very good decision making. If you watch the Blacklist game on MPL PH, this will be very real.

Even interesting if you want to combine this strategy with the META Tank jungle, it’s even more terrible. By playing many sustain heroes with high damage and one healer, good luck destroying this team.

Currently to counter META and strat is a bit difficult. As long as the team is very compact and can move and think the same thing, it is almost impossible to kidnap their support.

But what you need is how to separate the players so that later there is a chance for one of you to enter and kidnap.

So that’s what META Solid Mobile Legends is that you can understand. Of course, it’s not that complicated, because this strategy is quite simple. It’s just that running it is not easy. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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