What is the Total Price of Hanzo Mobile Legends Skin (ML)

Then for What is the Total Price of Hanzo Mobile Legends Skin (ML), it is the most important part and maybe you will be interested too. Especially for those of you who are Hanzo players, of course they want to have this skin so that they will be more confident when competing.


Mobile Legends provides cool skins which of course have their own prices. Then you will find out how much is the total price of Hanzo Mobile Legends (ML) skin, which is the best thing to make you know more. Because the total price of all Hanzo Skins must be high. Then for What is the Total Price of Hanzo Mobile Legends Skin (ML), it is the most important part and maybe you will be interested too. Especially for those of you who are Hanzo players, of course they want to have this skin so that they will be more confident when competing.

Especially now that we know that there are lots of cool skins for you to get. Of course you should know this. Then if you want to try this update now, you should be able to take advantage of the various prices for now.

Like knowing the Total Squad Price for Dragon Tamer in Mobile Legends, of course the players will be prepared to get it. Those who already know how much the price of this skin will be, will find it helpful and preparing Diamonds according to the target will also not be difficult.

What is the Total Price of Hanzo Mobile Legends Skin

Hanzo Mobile Legends has a total of 3 skins for now, has different types and different prices. Of course, those of you who want to get all parts of this skin, have to prepare a total of 1,671 DM or around 550 thousand Rupiah.

This has been calculated for the entire price of each skin that players can get, but in how to buy using Diamond, yes. If you are often and never separated from using Hanzo, of course the price of the skin will help those of you who want to buy.

There’s nothing wrong with buying all of these skins, even in terms of your own appearance, you will also look very cool wearing things like that. For example, some of these skins increase stats, then have a different type of appearance and cool effects later.

Normal skin doesn’t have any effect, even just changes have a slight shape change. It doesn’t have anything exciting, but there’s an additional stat available for Attack power and that’s why it costs only 269 Diamonds to own.

What is the Total Price of Hanzo Mobile Legends Skin

Then continued with the one with the name Undead King, having the appearance of the King of the Army of Death. Using Armor and Great Sword, has a glowing Blue Effect on the shirt, then there is a Crack in the Weapon and a skull face for 599 Dm.

Next you can see Hanzo’s Special Skin named Insidious Tutor, has the appearance of a teacher who teaches. Then this skin has a price of 799 Dm, has a pretty scary weapon effect like Fiery and has eyes moving in any direction.

Some of the skins that Hanzo has are indeed quite interesting, but you should also pay attention that this depends on the circumstances as well. if you want to buy one of the skins, it’s not a problem not to take everything that is already at the top price.

Make your choice to get this skin now, if you like it, just buy it even though not all of it is also not a problem. Of course, for players who use skins like this, it will give the impression of playing much more exciting than before.

After knowing the Total Price of Hanzo Mobile Legends Skin (ML), then those of you who want to buy it, just prepare this DM total. If you have prepared everything later, you can immediately buy everything without any hesitation for the player to try it.

Because of this presence, it reminds us of the price of the Zodiac Mobile Legends skin which is quite expensive. Even you yourself will definitely like to have this skin, it looks cool and has special effects to use in matches. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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