Why Characters Need Specific Weapon in Free Fire (FF)

n Free Fire, there are many features that you can try. So here we have some reasons why characters need specific weapon in Free Fire.


In Free Fire, there are many features that you can try. And the most useful features is the character and weapon in Free Fire. There are many possible character and weapon combination that you can try in the game. Which is why it is important for you to get to know, which character and weapon is the best for you. So here we have some reasons why characters need specific weapon in Free Fire.

Why Characters Need Specific Weapon in Free Fire (FF)

Skill requirementcaroline free fire

The first thing that you need to know is that there are some characters that need to use certain weapons in order to activate their skills. You need to know which characters that need some specific weapon so that you can use their skills properly in Free Fire.

Take Jota and Caroline for example. You can only use Jota’s skill only if you’re using an SMG or a shotgun. On the other hand, you can also use Caroline’s skill if you’re using a shotgun only in Free Fire. Which is why any assault rifle and sniper rifle is not a suitable weapon for those two characters.

Looking from the appearance

The appearance from each characters is different as you can see. So by looking at the character picture or wallpaper, you can identify what is the most suitable weapon for that particular character.

The most example character is Hayato, where as you can see that this character’s wallpapaer is using a katana. So you can see that his character background is a samurai. Which is why the Katana is the best weapon for Hayato to use.

A good character and weapon combination

Every players in Free Fire, has their very own favorite character and weapon that they’re using in the game. And some of those players must already have their best character and weapon combination to win in Free Fire.

Which is why, there are some pro players that keeps on using the same character and weapon combination. It’s because they have found their sweet spot in terms of combination. And that’s what makes them keep on winning the game. So try to find your own preference on what’s the best combination for you.

To be the strongest

The last thing as to why characters need specific weapon in Free Fire is that it will help you to become stronger in the game. So try to find your best weapon for your character, in order to dominate in Free Fire. You can start by deciding which playing style that is suitable for you.

From there, you can start identifying which character that suits your playing style. Only then you can find the best weapon for you and your character in Free Fire.

And that’s some reasons why characters need specific weapon in Free Fire. Be sure to follow esportsu on instagram for more tips to come!