10 Hero Tanks That Are Suitable To Be Offlaner Mobile Legends (ML)
Esportsku this time will provide a list of recommended tank heroes that are suitable for Mobile Legends offlaners. Now for those of you who are offlaner users, you can try the following heroes.
Mobile Legends is a MOBA game that has quite a lot of fans, there are so many heroes that you can, one of which is a tank hero, here is a line of tank heroes that are suitable for offlaner Mobile Legends! Esportsku this time will provide a list of recommended tank heroes that are suitable for Mobile Legends offlaners. Now for those of you who are offlaner users, you can try the following heroes.
The tank hero is actually one of the heroes who is able to provide a solid and very strong defense, but there are also several tank heroes that you can use to play as an offlaner. Not only defensive, it turns out that the heroes also have great damage.
First is Uranus, which is one of the tank heroes who is suitable to be an offlaner in Mobile Legends. Uranus’ ability as a large defense and damage becomes his main weapon in a match.
This hero is very strong as an offlaner hero, Uranus has good defensiveness to guard the turret, has a high regen ability, is very difficult to rank and easy to clear waves.
The next hero is Ruby, as you know Ruby is a fighter hero and also a tank. That is why we have included it in the list of tank heroes that are suitable for offlaners in Mobile Legends this time.
Which this hero is also often played as an offlaner by the pro players of Mobile Legends, his ability is very good in defense, attack and also for teamfight. As a hybrid tank, Ruby is very strong with a swift lifesteal.
Gatotkaca is also a tank hero who is suitable to be an offlaner in Mobile Legends. This one hero gets his newest udpate role from the Tank hero to become a tank fighter hero. Because it is a hybrid fighter, of course Gatotkaca will be very suitable to be played as an offlaner.
His ability can easily make very good initiations, besides that he also has great damage, good CC ability and passive ability which if his HP is given up, Gatotkaca will be even stronger.
Esmeralda is a tank hero who is suitable to be a Mobile Legends offlaner who has a hybrid mage. Esmeralda’s ability is very strong, especially since she has extraordinary potential and can be used as any role.
You can make Esmeralda as a very tough offlaner hero, her ability to defend and attack is very strong and this hero is widely played in ranked matches and in various tournaments.
Alice is one of the hybrid heroes after previously getting her newest role update. Previously Alice was only a mage hero, but in the latest update Alice became a hybrid tank hero in Mobile Legends.
You can make Alice a very tough offlaner, not only an offlaner, she can also be a suitable sidelaner in the latest meta in Mobile Legends.
Belerick is one of the tank heroes who recently entered the latest meta which made him an offlaner. Although it tends to have a pure tank role, the damage ability it has is no joke.
As a result, Belerick has become a top pick, especially for offlaner users in the Mobile Legends game. This hero is also often played in various well-known tournaments such as MPL and MDL.
Not only belerick, the hero who often gets the spotlight as an offlaner even though a tank is Baxia. Baxia’s abilities are more or less the same as Belerick’s. Moreover, this hero has good mobility and counter some meta heroes,
As a result, Baxia is one of the heroes who is quite exalted in the counter hero meta and he is also often played as an offlaner and sidelaner hero in matches in Mobile Legends.
Now the tank hero that fits into the next Mobile Legends offlaner is Hilda, who is one of the best heroes you can play in matches in Mobile Legends. Hilda is a hybrid tank hero who is very strong and has painful damage.
Therefore, many players use Hilda as an offlaner or sidelaner, it is easy to clear lane, push lane, cut lane and others. So Hilda can be one of the best heroes you can use.
Next is Balmond who is a tank hero who is suitable to be an offlaner in Mobile Legends. This hybrid fighter hero has excellent defensive and attacking abilities.
Moreover, the best role that can be used by Balmon himself is as an offlaner where he has great damage, easy to clear lane, passive skills that can support him in running offlaner and very strong defensive.
Finally, the suitable tank hero for Mobile Legends offlaner is Hylos. He is a tanker hero who has a very high HP and excellent teamfight skills. Even though he is an original tanker hero, Hylos is also very good when played as an offlaner.
Use a very strong offlaner build so Hylos will become a very deadly tanker hero for you to use in games in Mobile Legends.
That’s it for a review of a row of tank heroes that are suitable for offlaner in Mobile Legends that you can use in both ranked and classic games. Hopefully the reviews we provide can be useful information, especially for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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