12 Mobile Legends Heroes Most Rarely Used In Season 19 (ML)
On this occasion, Esportsku will provide a row of heroes with the least speed for gamers to use in Season 19.
Mobile Legends has a myriad of heroes that you can play in it. There are so many heroes that you can play in this game. So, among these heroes, there is a row of heroes that were the least-selling, especially at the beginning of Season 19 and several previous seasons. On this occasion, Esportsku will provide a row of heroes with the least speed for gamers to use in Season 19.
Every month you will find a list of what heroes are the choice of gamers in Mobile Legends. This makes the hero divided into several types ranging from top banned, top pick and top win rate in Mobile Legends. So, here are some Mobile Legends heroes that didn’t sell well in Season 19 of Mobile Legends.
The first hero is Faramis who is a mage hero who only has one skin in Mobile Legends. This hero has this ability skill which can turn on his teammates during a team fight. But unfortunately, Faramis is very rarely played and only has a popularity of 0.07%.
The second hero is Carmilla who is a super tanky support hero in Mobile Legends. This one hero has excellent abilities that can support him to become an offlaner rather than support. Throughout Season 19 and the previous season. Players who play Carmilla are only 0.09% of all Mobile Legends players.
Next is the Diggie hero, which is a previously very popular support thanks to the new Diggie Feeder meta in Mobile Legends. But unfortunately, players who use Diggie are now less and less not even touching 1% of all Mobile Legends players. Yes, at the start of season 19, Diggie was only played by 0.09%.
Next is Grock who is the best tank specialist ganker in Mobile Legends. The ability of this one hero is very special because not only does Grock have good defense, Grock also has considerable damage. Grock is only played 0.11% of all Mobile Legends players in Season 19.
Just like Grock’s hero, Terizla also only has a 0.11% percentage of all Mobile Legends players. Terizla is actually a very good fighter hero as an offlaner, but unfortunately he was defeated by other popular heroes.
Interesting enough for this Bane hero, if you think that any hero that doesn’t sell well in Mobile Legends must lead to Bane’s hero. But it turns out, this hero is in sixth place above other heroes. Bane himself is played by 0.11% of all players who play the Mobile Legends game.
Next is the Vexana hero who is a mage hero with the ability to bring other heroes to life in a team fight. This one hero is not very popular and is only played by 0.12% of all ML gamers.
Who would have thought Kaja would be a unsold hero in Mobile Legends 7. Kaja was previously included in the meta hero line in Mobile Legends. This hero has excellent abilities as a ganker to a sidelaner. You can find Kaja playing in the Season 17 meta. But unfortunately in Season 19 Kaja was only played 0.13%.
The next unsold hero in Mobile Legends is Lolita, a Tank hero who is not very popular and does not sell well in Mobile Legends. And even before that Lolita experienced a Flicker + Ultimate combo issue that couldn’t be used simultaneously, even though this has been fixed in the next update.
But maybe, this is a problem why this hero is not widely played. Lolita mobile legends are only played 0.15% of all Mobile Legends players.
Minsitthar is the 10th best-selling hero fighter in Season 19 of Mobile Legends. This one hero actually has very good potential as a disabled fighter who can stop agile opponents. But unfortunately. The popularity of another Disable hero replaced Minssithar’s better role. Therefore, Minssithar is only used as much as 0.16% of all Mobile Legends players.
The next hero is Estes, who reportedly will get the latest buff for this hero. Now Estes itself is not very popular at the beginning of Season 19 because there are many counters for estes mobile legends.
But it seems that Estes will be even more popular when the latest Mobile Legends patch note is released. Estes is only played by 0.17% of all Mobile Legends gamers.
The last unsold hero was Kimmy, a marksman mage hero in Mobile Legends. Kimmy himself unfortunately got a nerf which made him no longer OP in the early game and adjusted late so that the damage he had was stable. But unfortunately, this latest update makes it a non-popular hero and only 0.18% of all Mobile Legends players are played.
That’s all the row of Mobile Legends heroes that don’t sell and have low pick rates in Mobile Legends. Hopefully the above reviews can be useful, especially for those of you who are push rank activists in Mobile Legends. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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