3 Skills Must Mastered To Able Clutch in PUBG Mobile

To do a clutch, you have to master a few skills first which will make it easier for you to fight against a team with more members.


Being able to clutch is a matter of pride in the PUBG Mobile battle royale game. In line with that, this time we will provide information about the 3 skills that must be mastered to be able to clutch in the PUBG Mobile game in the following article.

PUBG Mobile is a shooter game with the battle royale genre. The military weapons and equipment provided in this game come with detailed specifications.

Therefore, players of this game must have good weapon mastery skills. Starting from finding the right weapon to using it properly.


3 Skills Must Mastered To Able Clutch in PUBG Mobile

This battle royale game provides a Classic game mode that can be played solo, duo, and squad. When playing squad there are times when you will run out of your teammates.

That way you will play alone and have to fight other teams that are still in complete condition. You need to be able to clutch.

To do a clutch, you have to master a few skills first which will make it easier for you to fight against a team with more members.


Here are 3 skills that must be mastered to be able to clutch in the PUBG Mobile game.


Good Aim’s Skill

The first skill that someone absolutely must master in order to do a clutch is a good aim skill. The aim skill here can be seen from various aspects.

First, you must be able to target the main part of your enemy, namely the head. Second, you must be able to shoot quickly so you don’t get stuck on the first enemy.

Third, you must be fast in directing the crosshair to the next target. Throwing, you have to be able to keep your crosshair stable because you have to keep moving so you don’t get attacked easily.


Mastering Multiple Roles

The second skill is that you have to be able to master many roles. Remember that your position is only alone. That means you can back up tasks from your teammates.

You must be a fragger who plays fast and deadly. At the same time, you have to be able to support yourself. More value if you are also good at using a sniper.


1v1 Battle Champion

The third skill is that you have to be good at 1v1 battles. This is a basic skill that you must master before facing a full squad. The assumption is that if fighting 1v1 fails, how can you fight 1v4?

Therefore practice your 1v1 battle. Make sure that you always win 1v1 battles to show how strong your shooting skills are.

Calculate how fast you finish off one of your opponents. How efficient are your shots at getting kills from your opponents.

By winning 1v1 battles, you will be PD with your skills to be able to finish off a full squad. You can also find out how the most effective way to deal with each person.


Those are 3 skills that must be mastered to be able to clutch in the PUBG Mobile game. Follow the latest information and news about the world of esports only at Esportsku!