5 Advantages of Getting a Penta Kill in Free Fire (FF)

If you have the desire to kill more enemy, here we have some info about the advantages of getting a Penta Kill in Free Fire that you need to know. Getting a penta kill requires a hard work that you need to do.


If you have the desire to kill more enemy, here we have some info about the advantages of getting a Penta Kill in Free Fire that you need to know. Getting a penta kill requires a hard work that you need to do. Which is why, it is important for you to be consistent in every game. This way, you will be able to get more kill in the game.

Free Fire is a really popular battle royale mobile game with millions of active players worldwide. Garena as the developer of the game, will keep on updating the game. Which is why, Free Fire is always getting better and better every time. And the features in the game is also really useful for you to know. Because in this game, you can purchase many things for you to win the game.

And now we’re going to find out the advantages of getting a Penta kill in Free Fire right now. Let’s check out this article down below for more info about this way to play the game.

5 Advantages of Getting a Penta Kill in Free Fire (FF)

You’ll increase your K/D ratio

As you’re checking out your game profile, then there will be a kill and death statistics. This statistics will compare how many times you kill or be killed by the enemy. If you get a Penta kill, you will increase the K/D ratio.

More rank point

Getting a Penta kill will also give you some more rank point. Which is why, make sure that you kill an enemy every game. Because killing an enemy will actually increase the rank point that you’ll get after every game.

Becoming an MVP

If you’re the MVP in Free Fire, this can be something that you can be proud of. So make sure that you kill as much enemies as possible. Because by doing this, then you will increase the chance of getting an MVP.

Get more XP

Every player’s account in Free Fire is available to level up. So if you want to fasten your progress of ranking up, then you will be able to get more XP to level up your account.

You’ll get more goldfree fire

And the last advantage that you’ll get if you get a Penta kill, is that you’ll get more gold. This way, you can spend the gold that you get for more things in the game.

And that’s some advantage of Penta kill in Free Fire. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!