5 Anti Freeze Lane Heroes Mobile Legends (ML)

Here are 5 anti freeze lane heroes in Mobile Legends that you can try. This hero cannot be frozen lane, because it has skills that help them in farming safely.


When playing Mobile Legends, being hit by a freeze lane is very annoying because you can’t do farming well. This anti freeze lane mobile legends (ML) hero, you can try while playing. Here are 5 anti freeze lane heroes in Mobile Legends that you can try. This hero cannot be frozen lane, because it has skills that help them in farming safely.

Doing farming during the laning phase is very important when playing, so you can get gold and EXP. However, you will have difficulty if you are frozen lane by enemy heroes.

Some heroes are very easy to get hit by Freeze Lane, because indeed these heroes have less powerful skills to fight back. However, some heroes are immune to freeze lane.


Yve has a very long range in attacking enemies, making him able to finish off creeps quickly. With the skills it has, you can push enemies who want to freeze lane easily.


Kagura has skills with a long range and strong anti cc movement, making her able to finish off creeps quickly and safely. Of course, this hero also has high burst damage, allowing him to attack enemies quickly.


Alice has a long range and strong cc skills, allowing her to attack enemies and approach enemies with ease. This hero also has a strong vamp skill, making him a strong tank in the lane.


With a range that is not too far away, it is indeed difficult for Paquito to do famring. However, with a strong CC skill, he can continue to push the enemy, and prevent the enemy from farming or approaching you.


Balmong has very strong AoE damage with high damage. In addition, this hero also has strong movement skills along with execute skills to perform finishers. It will be difficult for the enemy to freeze lane.

That’s the anti freeze lane hero that you can try in Mobile Legends. Some heroes do have strong skills for farming, making them very strong against enemies who freeze lane. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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