5 Best Anchor Weapon in Free Fire (FF)

A good anchor is nothing without the best weapon that is suitable for them. So here we have some of the best anchor weapon in Free Fire that you need to know!


Anchor is a role that is often confusing and difficult to understand. However, an anchor can give a huge impact on the team performance. A good anchor is nothing without the best weapon that is suitable for them. So here we have some of the best anchor weapon in Free Fire that you need to know!

5 Best Anchor Weapon in Free Fire


Obviously, the best long range weapon will also be the best weapon for an anchor to use in Free Fire. Anchor is often in the back of the firing line, which is why the AWM in Free Fire can be the right option for this role. The reason why is that this weapon is capable of killing an enemy from a long range with a single shot.


If you’re not that confidence with a AWm which is a bolt action sniper rifle, you can try using a DMR like the SKS instead. Since the latest buff a couple of months ago, the SKS is now one of the most powerful DMR in Free Fire. You can use this weapon as a support weapon or even to assist a fragger kill as well.


The M4A1 is one of the most powerful assault rifle when you’re using it right. The advantage of having the M4A1 in your hand is the attachment slot that is available in all aspect. If you have the complete attachments of this weapon, the M4 can be one of the best assault rifle to have.


FAMAS is also an assault rifle that players often underestimate. However, this weapon is a quite powerful weapon to use due to the high DPS and low recoil.


Actually, an SMG is not that suitable for an anchor to use. The reason why is that SMG is way more suitable in close range battle. However, this can also be one of the best option for an anchor weapon in Free Fire. Because there is a time where an anchor must face an enemy flanker in closer battle range.

And that’s some of the best anchor weapon in Free Fire that you need to know. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!