5 Best Angela Talents in Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss the best talent Angela in Mobile Legends.


Angela is one of the support heroes in Mobile Legends who is very effective and flexible because it can be played into two roles. Even though Angela is a hero with a support role, she can also be played as an offlaner hero in gameplay. You need to know that there are some of Angela’s best talents in Mobile Legends that you can use in a gameplay. On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss the best talent Angela in Mobile Legends.

Angela herself can be even more maximal in performance when using the right emblem and talent set-up. In addition, the use of the right build items can also make the damage from Angela even more maximal. When played as a support hero, it can cover well the core hero of your team.

Focusing Mark

Focusing Mark is one of the talents in the Support emblem. This talent itself can provide additional effects in the form of increased damage to the hero.  Angela attacks by using a skill of 6%. This talent is very useful for team fight in a gameplay.


Avarice can make Angela get gold quickly because with her dealing damage using her attack skill to the opponent’s hero, there will be an additional 10 gold that can be obtained. You can get a maximum gold from Avarice of 1200.

Mystery Shop

Mystery Shop can be the best talent used by Angela when being an offlaner in a gameplay. This talent comes from a magic emblem that will get him a 10% discount to buy all types of build items in the shop.

Magic Worship

Magic Worship itself can make Angela even stronger. By dealing damage through her attack skills there will be a burn effect that is generated when the passive talent skill is active. Will give additional damage to your opponent and it will make your attacks even more painful.

Pull Yourself Together

This talent is suitable for use when the angle is used as a pure support. This talent will make Angela’s respawn time faster by 15% and the cooldown of her spell itself will be reduced by 15% as well.

Those are some of Angela’s best talents in Mobile Legends that I have reviewed Esports. Please use one of the talents above to make your Angela’s performance even stronger. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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