5 Best Battle Spell Chou in Mobile Legends (ML)
On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss the best Battle Spell Chou in Mobile Legends.
Chou is one of the fighter heroes in Mobile Legends who always exists in every existing meta. This proves that this Hero can adjust any existing meta changes. Chou is usually played as a roaming offlaner and tanker in gameplay. You need to know that there are some of Chou’s best battle spells in Mobile Legends that can make him even stronger. On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss the best Battle Spell Chou in Mobile Legends.
Chou can be played maximally if you can maximize his attack skills properly. Chou mobile legends themselves can have a crowd control effect on their enemies and make them very limited in their movements. The damage generated from this one fighter hero is also quite large and can make the enemy get killed quickly. Until now Chou is still strong enough to use.
Flicker is one of the best battle spells that is suitable for Chou to use either as a tanker or an offlaner. By using Filcker Chou you can easily get close to your opponent. He can also combine this battle spell with one skill plus his ultimate skill. This will be a deadly combo that can allow you to defeat the enemy easily.
Execute can also help Chou to defeat his enemies easily. The damage generated from this battle spell itself is true damage which can ignore the opponent’s shield. Chou’s execute and kill combo attacks can make the enemy defeated easily.
You can also use Pruify when facing many enemy heroes who have Crowd Control skills. Purify can save Chou from all existing debuffs and he will also get an additional movement speed of 30% when using this battle spell.
Arrival is a battle spell suitable for Chou to teleport quickly through minions or turrets. Arrival can also be used to defense your turret so that it is immune from enemy attacks.
Inspire is an alternative battle spell that you can use in gameplay when using Chou in gameplay. Inspire will increase attack speed on Chou and make his attack maximal.
Those are some of the best Chou Mobile Legends battle spells that I have discussed in Esports. Using one of the battle spells above will make your Chou’s gameplay performance even better. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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