5 Best Energy Point Character in Free Fire (FF)

o have more HP regeneration, there are some character where their skill is closely related to energy point. Here we have some of the best energy point character in Free Fire that you need to know.


In Free Fire, there is an energy point feature that you can use as a backup if you’re losing so much HP in a battle. If you don’t have time to heal yourself, the energy point will help you regenerate your HP. To have more HP regeneration, there are some character where their skill is closely related to energy point. Here we have some of the best energy point character in Free Fire that you need to know.

5 Best Energy Point Character in Free Fire (FF)

Professor K

There are rumors that this new character will have a skill that is related to energy point. This will add more list to the character that is using energy point as their skill.

Some say that his skill will give you infinite energy point gradually. Which is why this character is really useful for you to gain energy point without having to look for a mushroom. But his skill is still in development phase by Garena.


Then there’s this character with the name A124. This character has a cyborg or an android appearance in the game. A124 is also a character with a skill to help you with the energy point usage in Free Fire.

Her skill is that, she can convert the EP to HP instantly using her skill. So you don’t have to wait for some time to completely regenerate your HP. With enough energy point, you can completely regain your HP instantly with her skill.


Maxim is a character that can also help you in terms of energy point. Maxim’s skill is that he can eat mushroom faster than anyone in the game. So you don’t have to worry about getting shot while eating a mushroom in Free Fire to get an energy point. A mushroom is really useful for you to get an energy point in the game.


Miguel is a character with a military appearance in Free Fire. His skill is really advantageous for you aggressive player in the game. Miguel’s skill is that he can get some energy point every time he kills an enemy. This way, you only need to kill more in order to get more HP in the game.


The last character is the best support character in Free Fire, which is Kapella. Kapella is able to give a better healing effect to her teammates. She can also increase the energy point and any healing effect in the team.

Which is why Kapella is a really useful support character to use, especially in squad mode in Free Fire.

And that’s some of the best energy point character in Free Fire that you need to know. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!