5 Easy-to-Use Hero Mage Mobile Legends (ML)

If you are confused about choosing a hero in Mobile Legends (ML), here we have some tips about Hero Mage that are Easy to Use in Mobile Legends (ML) that you can try. Some of these heroes are quite easy to use in Mobile Legends (ML).


Easy-to-use Hero Mage Mobile Legends (ML) is certainly very popular because usually heroes like this have high damage. Indeed, many heroes in Mobile Legends, especially mage heroes, have high damage to attack enemies. If you are confused about choosing a hero in Mobile Legends (ML), here we have some tips about Hero Mage that are Easy to Use in Mobile Legends (ML) that you can try. Some of these heroes are quite easy to use in Mobile Legends (ML).

Many heroes in Mobile Legends (ML) ranging from hero mage with burst damage, Hero Mage Durable to have high Damage over Time. Depending on the way you play, each hero has its own strengths and weaknesses.

The existing hero mages have different ways of playing. Maybe some have high burst damage, but some are more likely to play Poking enemies from afar. So, it’s better to read the skill details first.

Because, to be able to use heroes well, you have to understand the use of skills. Usually the skills possessed by the hero mage have certain effects that you don’t know after you use them.

At least you know how the skills of each of these heroes work. But don’t worry, some of these heroes have straight forward skills and are easy to understand when you use them. Here’s an Easy-to-Use Hero Mage in Mobile Legends (ML) :


The way to play Eudora is arguably the Easy-to-Use Hero Mage. Besides having easy-to-understand skills, the damage scaling of this one hero is also high. You can finish off the enemy just by using a few skills.


How to play Pharsa is not as easy as Eudora, but this hero can be said to be an Easy-to-Use Hero Mage. Skills that have a long distance and also a fairly strong escape skill, this Hero is very easy to do damage from a distance.


Alice is a very difficult hero to beat and the use of her skills is also easy to use. You just need to be near the enemy and turn on the ultimate skill. That way, you will not be easily defeated with the blood that continues to increase while attacking the enemy.


Even though Kagura has quite complicated skills, it turns out that this hero is very easy to use if you already understand the skill mechanism. Attacking enemies from a distance, Kagura is one of the safest heroes when attacking enemies.


Yve turns out to be an Easy-to-Use Hero Mage even though his skills sound difficult. Kalan just needs to keep his distance easily, and attack from a distance with his skills. Not only that, the ultimate skill has a very far range and provides a shield.

That’s a list of Easy-to-Use Hero Mage in Mobile Legends (ML), which you might try. In addition to having easy-to-understand skills, some of these heroes have high damage to use.

Because the mage hero scaling in Mobile Legends is very high and the enemy is forced to buy Magic Resist items to fight you. If the enemy buys the item, you can use the Penetration magic item to penetrate it. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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