5 Heroes For Rafaela Combo Mobile Legends (ML)
Here, Esportsku has a recommendation for the best Rafaela combo hero that you can try in Mobile Legends.
This is Rafaela’s combo hero in Mobile Legends, by using a combo hero. Each hero will be able to play better and of course will get stronger. Here, Esportsku has a recommendation for the best Rafaela combo hero that you can try in Mobile Legends.
Usually, combo heroes can also be mentioned with a duet, or a partner who can attack together or can also accompany him in a match.
Rafaela has good regen, buff and CC abilities as support, so Rafaela’s combo hero will match the fighter hero.
The first Rafaela combo hero is Thamuz, a fighter hero, Thamuz is considered very strong by attacking at close range. His ability is considered very deadly in Mobile Legends.
This one hero combo allows you to attack your opponent from close range. With help from Rafaela, Thamuz can survive faster and of course will give him high damage ability.
You can use this combo in a match, Thamuz can be the attacker, and then Rafaela to provide heal and support.
Next, Rafaela’s combo hero is Alucard, one of the best fighter heroes, Rafaela and Alucard can be a strong partner.
Rafaela can help Alucard in initiating, with his help, his healing provides HP regen buffs and additional movement.
So Alucard doesn’t have to worry about being hit by an opponent’s attack, thanks to Rafaela who heals continuously, it will make him stronger.
Next is Balmond, this one hero is perfect for combos with Rafaela in a lane. In the past, there was a Balmond+Rafaela meta, the two of them played together in one lane.
Rafaela has the ability to regen HP with her passive, then assisted by Rafaela who gives regen, so that both of their HP will not run out.
This combo is very suitable for doing push and definitely hard to beat, and even anti-recall to base if only for HP regen.
Next is Dyrroth, which is one of the best fighter heroes that you can use in the Rafaela combo in Mobile Legends.
Dyrroth is the same as Alucard who is a hero with melee attacks. With help from Rafaela, Dyrroth will get enough HP regen.
This makes Dyrroth able to survive longer, and of course, Rafaela can also help him to give CC and additional buffs.
Yu Zhong
Lastly, is Yu Zhong, a pretty formidable offlaner hero, you can use Yu Zhong to combo with Rafaela in Mobile Legends.
This melee hero has high defense and damage, the more enemies nearby, the stronger Yu Zhong will be.
Moreover, with the help of Rafaela will make Yu Zhong even stronger in a gameplay, Rafaela can be a support that helps him in the match.
So that’s it for the best Rafaela combo heroes that you can play in Mobile Legends. Hopefully useful and useful for those in need. See you. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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