5 Heroes For Tigreal Combo Mobile Legends (ML)

Esportsku this time will provide recommendations for the best heroes that you can combo with Tigreal in Mobile Legends. Please see the following review in full.


Tigreal is one of the most powerful and meta tank heroes in the current season. Using the Tigreal combo hero in Mobile Legends makes it hard to beat.Esportsku this time will provide recommendations for the best heroes that you can combo with Tigreal in Mobile Legends. Please see the following review in full.

This hero is indeed very suitable for combos with anyone. His ability to have complete CC makes Tigreal able to enter any meta.

Check out the following recommendations for the most powerful heroes for the Tigreal combo in Mobile Legends. Fight directly K.O!


Tigreal’s first combo hero is Fanny, this assassin hero is indeed very suitable for combos with heroes who can give CC, this is so that the opponent does not move freely.

So Fanny can launch her attacks quickly and easily without any obstacles. Fanny is able to provide fast attacks that can kill her opponent easily.


Continue for Tigreal’s second combo hero in Mobile legends. We recommend Aurora which you can use to perform combo attacks on the opponent.

Aurora’s attacks can easily penetrate the opponent’s defense, her passive ability can give CC and ultimate ability which is very strong and deals great damage.

This combo is very strong especially for you to use in war or teamfight, with wide area attacks and deadly CC making this combo difficult to beat.


Then the next combo hero that you can use is Johnson, Tigreal can enter Johnson’s body and perform combo attacks.

Johnson will search for a target and then hit it to deliver a shock attack and defeat it. This combo is very deadly because, after that Tigreal will gather opponents and make them unable to move.


For the next best Tigreal hero attack combo is Eudora. Eudora is a hero mage who has CC ability and high damage.

This is thanks to his ability to control lightning and then allow him to attack opponents instantly.


For the last Tigreal combo hero, Gusion, is one of the assassin heroes who has a very wide area attack, you can do a combo with this one hero.

Gusion’s strength lies in the dagger it has, with 10 weapons it can issue a powerful attack when the opponent gathers.

This attack causes the opponent to get enormous damage, especially thanks to Tigreal’s help, which can make the opponent collect until they can’t move.

So that’s all the best Tigreal hero combos that you can use in the Mobile Legends game. Hopefully it can be useful and useful especially for those of you who are tanker users. See you! Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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