5 Heroes who are getting beat up, getting stronger in Mobile Legends (ML)

Here, Esportsku has a hero who is getting beaten up and getting stronger in Mobile Legends. This line of heroes allows players to play barbarically and expect to fight many heroes at once in Mobile Legends.


Mobile Legends has many heroes with unique skills in it. One of them is the following hero who has a very strange ability and is suitable for fighting many heroes. This is a hero who is getting beaten up, getting stronger in Mobile Legends. Here, Esportsku has a hero who is getting beaten up and getting stronger in Mobile Legends. This line of heroes allows players to play barbarically and expect to fight many heroes at once in Mobile Legends.

Using the following heroes, you really expect to get a gang attack from your opponent. The more opponents, the stronger the hero in the match. Are you curious about the abilities of the heroes below?

Are you curious about the heroes who are getting beaten up and getting stronger in Mobile Legends? Come see the full following! These heroes are terrible when digged because they can turn things around.


The first hero is Uranus, who is a tank hero with a very high regen ability. Uranus is a hero who is getting beaten up and getting stronger in Mobile Legends because of his passive ability.

Uranus’s passive allows him to get 1-10 bonus HP regen points when attacked by an opponent. So that the more opponents who attack Uranus, the stronger the regeneration effect it has.


If Uranus allows it to increase its regen ability. In contrast to Gatotkaca, which allows him to get stronger if more opponents chase him. Quite unique, right?

This is thanks to Gatotkaca’s passive ability which allows players to increase the physical defense of the HP lost by the opponent. This allows Gatotkaca to get stronger if he gets a lot of enemy attacks.

Yu Zhong

The next hero who is getting beat up and getting stronger in Mobile Legends is Yu Zhong, who is the best fighter hero right now. Yu Zhong’s ability allows him to become stronger if he gets hit by an opponent.

This is thanks to his passive ability that can collect Stack to activate Sha Essence. This ability allows Yu Zhong to get great damage and high Spell Vamp. So it will be easy to find the stack if there are many heroes he is fighting.


Next is the Esmeralda hero who is a hero who is getting beaten up and getting stronger in Mobile Legends. This tank mage hero is arguably the king of shield in Mobile Legends. He can steal the shiled and make it his own.

Because the more heroes who attack, the more shields he can get. Then Esmeralda makes the shield her damage and can also make it a cellphone for Esmeralda.


Finally, the hero who is getting beaten up and getting stronger in Mobile Legends is Argus who is a fighter hero. But unfortunately this ability can only be obtained in Argus’s ultimate.

This Ultimate ability allows Argus to get HP regen when he gets many attacks from opponents. The more damage he gets, the stronger Argus will be and his HP will be full immediately.

So that’s all, the row of heroes that are getting beaten up is getting stronger in Mobile Legends. Surely the hero above is quite annoying because he has very special skills and is hard to beat in a game. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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