5 Items for Counter Aurora Mobile Legends (ML)

Here we will discuss providing tips about Item Counter Aurora Mobile Legends, which you can try. By using these existing items, you will find it easier to deal with Aurora in Mobile Legends.


Items in Mobile Legends that have different stats and skills you can use to counter several heroes. One of the heroes who has high CC and Burst damage. Well this time there is an Item Counter Aurora Mobile Legends (ML). Here we will discuss providing tips about Item Counter Aurora Mobile Legends, which you can try. By using these existing items, you will find it easier to deal with Aurora in Mobile Legends.

Aurora in Mobile Legends has a very broad and passive magical skill that will make her skills have a Freezing effect. This makes him a very strong hero mage to deal Burst AoE damage with a strong CC effect.

Even though Aurora has high burst damage as a hero mage in the game and also has very strong CC, you can use several items to withstand her attacks. By using these items, it makes it easier for you to fight Aurora.

Aurora herself is a hero mage in Mobile Legends who has strong damage skills in dealing magical damage. The wide range and wide AoE make it very strong when used in team fights.

This hero also has a quite unique passive. Aurora gets a stack on every use of her skill. When the stack is full, the next skill will have an effect that can freeze the enemy.

Because of that, he will be very difficult to fight, because not only has high damage as a mage, but also has strong CC and wide AoE. Therefore, this one hero is very strong as a Mage.

Some of the items listed below can be a good choice for you to use. By using the items below, you can find it easier to fight Aurora in Mobile Legends.

Athena Shield

+900 Health Points
+2 Health Regeneration
+62 Magic Defense
Unique Passive
Shield: Can be triggered when taking Magic Damage. Reduces Magic Damage taken by 25% for 5s (including the Magic Damage that triggers this effect). You will be able to trigger this effect again only after leaving combat for 10s.


Athena shield has become one of the very strong Aurora Mobile Legends (ML) Counter Items to withstand magical burst damage attacks. Of course, by using this item, you become more resistant to Aurora’s attacks.

This item in addition to having a stat that increases magic defense, but also provides damage reduction from enemy magical attacks. That way, you can withstand Aurora’s attacks more easily.

Radiant Armor

+850 Health Points
+6 Health Regeneration
+45 Magic Defense
Unique Passive
Holy Blessing: Increases own Magic Damage Reduction by 3-10 upon taking Magic Damage (scales with level), lasting for 3s and stacking up to 8.


This item is also suitable for use against heroes like Aurora, because it has a fairly high magic defense. Not only that, this item also provides additional Health Points and Health regen.

The skill of this item is very useful for increasing Magic Defense. Every time you are hit by magic damage, your magic defense continues to increase. So, you can increase your magic defense even higher.


+850 Health Points
+42 Magic Defense
+10%% Cooldown Reduction
Unique Passive
Bless: Raise shield absorption and HP regen effect by 30%.


Oracle as one of the Counter Aurora is better used for heroes who have high heal or shields. However, this one item has magic defense that really helps you in resisting Aurora’s attacks.

This item also has a skill that will increase the healing effect and also your shield. So, if you have healing or shield skills, you will get more. Therefore, if you use heal or shield, this item is very suitable for use.

Winter Truncheon

+400 Health Points
+25 Physical Defense
+60 Magic Power
Frozen: Freeze upon using. The hero can’t do anything but will be immune to all DMG and debuff. Last 2s, CD 100s


You can use this Winter Truncheon for hero mages as Item Counter Aurora Mobile Legends (ML). This item will increase your magic power and also physical defense. That way, you can do damage and also have a higher defense.

What makes this item suitable for use against Aurora is that this item has active skills that can help you avoid Aurora’s burst attacks. Use the skill at the right timing, so you don’t get damaged from Aurora.

Tough Boots

+22 Magic Defense
+40 Movement Speed
Unique Passive
Fortitude: Reduces time controlled 30%


This item can be the right choice for the boots that you are going to buy. By using these shoes, you will get additional magic defense to withstand Aurora’s attacks.

Not only that, you can also escape the CC given by Aurora faster thanks to the passive skill of this item. By using this item, the duration of the CC you receive will be reduced, so you can escape from CC faster.

Those are tips about Item Counter Aurora Mobile Legends, which you can try. By using this item, you can fight Aurora more easily. Of course, you don’t need to use all of them, but only use what is necessary. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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