5 Items for Counter Hero Popol in Mobile Legends (ML)

Here we will provide tips for those of you who have difficulty dealing with Popol in Mobile Legends (ML). Here are 5 Items Counter Hero Popol in Mobile Legends (ML), which you can try when playing against Popol and Kupa.


In Mobile Legends, usually marksman heroes have high damage whether it’s sustain or burst. Popol is a very strong hero as an ADC, but this hero has Popol’s own Counter Hero Item in Mobile Legends (ML). Here we will provide tips for those of you who have difficulty dealing with Popol in Mobile Legends (ML). Here are 5 Items Counter Hero Popol in Mobile Legends (ML), which you can try when playing against Popol and Kupa.

In playing as a Marksman or Carry hero, you must be able to farm well so that you can become a source of damage to the team. This is very important, because marksman heroes need enough items to increase their stats.

Popol and Kupa are heroes who need this. By having enough items, the hero can lift the team well and become difficult to beat. Not only the stats but the skills it has are also strong.

Popol and Kupa themselves are quite unique marksman heroes, because you play 2 heroes, namely Popol and Kupa. You play as Popol while Kupa is a hero who will later help you in attacking.

When you attack an enemy, Kupa will help you by attacking the enemy you are attacking. You Kupa lose or his blood runs out, you can summon him again using Popol’s skills.

This hero has very high damage in attacking enemies, and is very dependent on items. Because, Kupa will use all the stat and skill effects of the items you use as well. So, you can make Kupa very strong in attack.

However, by using 5 Item Counter Hero Popol in Mobile Legends (ML) below, Popol and Kupa become very easy to fight. Because, this item becomes a counter item for the hero.

Wind of Nature

This item is the most important Popol Hero Counter Item in Mobile Legends (ML) for you to use. This item is a very cool item for Marksman heroes or Range heroes. Because, you will get Atk speed and physical damage.

What makes Wind of Nature the most suitable item is, this item has anti Physical damage skills. So, for some time after you use the skill, you can’t be exposed to Physical damage from the enemy.

Blade Armor

An armor item that is suitable for Fighter or Tank heroes. This item will give you additional Physical Defense which is high enough for you to use in resisting Popol and Kupa attacks. So, you can survive the attacks.

not only that, what makes this item one of Popol’s Counter Hero Items in Mobile Legends (ML) is, this item can restore the enemy’s basic attack damage. So, Popol and Kupa when they attack you, will take damage too.

Antique Cuirass

This item is also suitable for Fighter or Tank heroes, because it has a fairly high Physical defense and HP. Therefore, this item may be more suitable for heroes with high defense to withstand enemy attacks.

This item also has a quite unique skill. Every time the enemy attacks you, the physical attack and magic power is reduced. So, Popol and Kupa’s damage will continue to decrease by using this item.

Warrior Boots

Item movement that can be a choice of Item Counter Hero Popol in Mobile Legends (ML) which is quite good. Because, this item will provide stats that increase your physical defense. So, you can withstand enemy hero attacks.

Not only that, every time you receive a basic attack from your enemy, your physical defense will continue to increase. Since Popol and Kupa play by shooting multiple spears, you can use this item effectively.

Tough Boots

Actually this item does not have a stat that can withstand Popol and Kupa attacks like the previous item. However, if you have difficulty dealing with enemy CC, this item is the right choice for you to use.

Because, this item will reduce the duration of all CC that you get from the enemy so you can escape from CC faster.

Those are tips about 5 Item Counter Hero Popol in Mobile Legends (ML), which you can try. You don’t need to use all of these items, but you can use items that you think match the hero you are using. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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