5 Mistakes Often Made By Harley Users in Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will give you some Harley user errors in Mobile Legends.


Avoid some Harley user mistakes in the following Mobile Legends! As you know, the Mobile Legends game itself has so many heroes in it, one of which is Harley, who is an agile and also deadly hero, this hero is much liked by gamers in Mobile Legends. On this occasion, Esportsku will give you some Harley user errors in Mobile Legends.

Harley is one of the mage assassin heroes who has a small body and is a Magician, this one hero has a very deadly combo attack and can beat his prey quickly. So for you Harley users, are you still making the following mistakes?

Here are some Harley user mistakes in Mobile Legends that you must avoid. Listen carefully …

Not Making Use of Passive Skills

The first mistake is not taking advantage of his passive skills. Harley’s own skill before getting a revamp in the latest update, which this skill will provide additional damage when Harley gives more attacks with his first skill.

As you know, Harley has a combo using the ultimate skill and one skill, where the ultimate gives a ring and the skill one provides an attack in the form of a card, now the more cards attack the marked hero, the greater the damage.

Blinking Close

Targets Harley’s next mistake is to use her second skill even though the target is near Harley’s hero. This is done by many Harley users, which of course is not effective when used.

Harley will easily stun when he returns and also does not provide optimal space when launching an attack. So stay away from this.

Forgot to Reuse Second Skill

Not a few Harley users forget to reuse their second skill, this is usually done by Harley users, especially when doing combo attacks on a crowd of opponents.

Make sure you calculate the cooldown time on the second skill so that it can be returned if it is hit by an opponent’s hero.

Using Ultimate Without Skill 1

Next is to use the ultimate skill and mark the enemy with his ring of fire but don’t use his one skill. This usually happens when Harley users are in a hurry to attack so they forget to do the combo. Even though the ultimate skill without skill one will not give significant damage.

Attacking Opponents Without Lock Mode

The next mistake of Harley users is attacking the opponent but without using lock mode in Mobile Legends. This mode allows you to target only locked heroes. This is so Harley can attack the focus on the target.

Without using lock mode, Harley will be very difficult to attack, especially when entering a teamfight. Make sure you always activate lock mode when playing Harley.

Those are some of the common Harley user mistakes you encounter in Mobile Legends. Hopefully the reviews above can remind Harley users to avoid some of the mistakes above. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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