5 Most Deadly Heroes in Brawl Mobile Legends (ML)
Without further ado, here are some very strong heroes playing in brawl. Relatively strong in brawl, they can easily win in this mode. Don't let your opponent take advantage of it either.
Indeed, not many play brawl mode in Mobile Legends, but for those who often try, use them. Some of the deadliest heroes in Brawl Mobile Legends are very strong. Without further ado, here are some very strong heroes playing in brawl. Relatively strong in brawl, they can easily win in this mode. Don’t let your opponent take advantage of it either.
Brawl mode itself as the name implies will prioritize fighting. Unlike the classic or regular mode which has 3 lanes, brawl is only one lane. For other MOBA players, they are more familiar with ARAM mode.
This mode, which only contains war and fighting, is actually fun. In fact, it often becomes a subscription for many people who are a bit bored playing regular mode. But of course, even if it’s just having fun, it’s a win, right?
So just use these heroes who are subscribed to win. What you are looking for in brawl are heroes with good DPS and also heroes who have strong AoE, whether it’s damage or CC depending on your needs.
Hanabi is very strong in brawling thanks to her very high damage and also bouncing. Not only that, his ultimate is also very strong in brawling because it will be difficult to avoid and easy to propagate.
Bane is probably the hero who benefits the most in this mode thanks to all of his skillset. He has AoE damage and also a terrible ulti because the map brawl is quite narrow and difficult to avoid.
Yi Sun-shin
YSS is also very strong in brawl mode thanks to a rather narrow map. This benefits his skill 2 and also his ultimate which will be difficult for opponents to avoid later.
Benedetta is also very strong in brawl mode. This is because he is very agile and difficult to catch even though he has a smaller map. Benedetta is also superior in damage and sustain.
Tigreal’s advantage in brawling is his CC AoE. This is even very profitable because your ultimate and push can always hit your entire opposing team.
That’s the deadliest hero in Mobile Legends brawl which can certainly help you win brawl. Just use them in your matches to make it easier later when playing. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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