5 Tips for Open War in Mobile Legends (ML)

Therefore, just understand below. Of course, it will at least make you understand a few tips to start a war. Especially if you want to play in a very solid team.


Opening a war is not easy in Mobile Legends, especially if you don’t know the right tips for opening a war in Mobile Legends (ML). Opening war is a very important skill for Mobile Legends players. Therefore, just understand below. Of course, it will at least make you understand a few tips to start a war. Especially if you want to play in a very solid team.

Without a strong war opener in the team, it will be difficult later. This starts from invade, contest, or end the game. Roughly speaking, if you can’t open a war, you can’t close the game.

Not being able to open a war means that in teamfight you only rely on counters or reversals. This is also inconsistent considering that if the team opens a war then they are in advantage in the team fight.

5 Tips for Open War in Mobile Legends

From my playing experience and my Esports team, there are some tips that might be useful for you guys. Opening a war is not complicated, but behind that there are many calculations that must be understood.

Therefore, try to understand a little about the tips for opening war in Mobile Legends below, yes :

Understand Hero Power And Matchup

First of all, you have to be able to calculate the hero power and matchup of the two teams. Is it feasible and strong when opening war or not. This is very important so that your certainty of winning can be very high.

Your position and your opponent

You must also understand your position and also your opponent when you want to war. A good position can help you and your team, but vice versa if your position is bad, it can actually harm your own team.

The Right Timing

Timing when starting a war must also be precise and cannot be arbitrary. Timing will usually be difficult to train and more inclined to your gamesense later. Estimate the right time to open war as tips for opening war in Mobile Legends.

There are other options

You also have to prepare options. Do they have to go to war now or wait for them to be objective, or maybe after the war, what should they do? This select option is very important so that later you can be more efficient.

Use the Right Hero

Of course, using the right hero is also a calculation that you must think about. It’s not easy to do a hero that doesn’t match and of course with a suitable hero it will smoothly open the war later.

At least those are some tips for opening war in Mobile Legends that might help you. Don’t let it bother you later because you can’t open a war on your team. Especially if the enemy is neat. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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