6 Best Talents in Mobile Legends (ML)

Before explaining the best types of Talent in Mobile Legends, it would be nice for you to know what Talent is. Talent is the skill effect of an Emblem, it can also be called a passive skill that can have an effect on your hero if you use Talent. After knowing what Talent is, here are the 6 best talents in Mobile Legends.


As we know, the Mobile Legends game has an option in the game where the players can set the Mobile Legends emblem and set the talents that they will use at will. Well, this time we have the Best Talent in Mobile Legends (ML) that you can use. Before explaining the best types of Talent in Mobile Legends, it would be nice for you to know what Talent is. Talent is the skill effect of an Emblem, it can also be called a passive skill that can have an effect on your hero if you use Talent. After knowing what Talent is, here are the 6 best talents in Mobile Legends.

For those who don’t know the emblem, you can go directly to the menu in the preparation section and select the Emblem category. In this Emblem category there are 9 mobile legends emblems that you can use. To unlock all these emblems, of course, you must have a lot of tickets.

You need to know that the Emblem in this Mobile Legends game can be upgraded to its maximum level, which is Level 60. The higher the level of the emblem you use, the more stats on your hero. The function of the emblem is to increase the status points of the heroes you are using. In the Emblem there is also a skill that can be unlocked if the requirements of the level of the Emblem itself are met, the name is Talent.

Talent Tenacity from Emblem Tank

The talent that has the name Tenacity is one of the best Tank emblem talents. This talent is suitable for heroes who have thick HP and Armor, for example, Hylos hero who does have quite thick HP and Armor.

The effect given from this Tenacity talent is when HP is below 40%, Physical Defense and Magic Defense will increase by +35. Of course the effects given by this Talent will help us survive and be able to last longer than the opponent’s attack when your HP is below 40%.

Talent Bounty Hunter from Emblem Assassin

Talent Bounty Hunter is the first best mobile legends talent in the Assassin emblem. By using this Bounty Hunter talent, it will give effect to the hero. If you eliminate your opponent, you will get 40% Gold and the effect of this Talent can be activated 15 times.

Bounty Hunter is very suitable for use by Heroes who will be made into Core or Carry in your team. That way, your Core or Carry will get rich very quickly if you kill a lot of your enemies.

High and Dry Talent of Assassin’s Emblem

High and Dry is also the second best Talent in the Assassin emblem. This talent is suitable for heroes who are devoted to playing solo in guarding their lane.

That’s because this Talent will have an effect when there is only one opponent hero around you so you will get a 6% increase in damage to the opponent’s hero. Very suitable to be used to fight one on one with the opponent’s hero.

Talent Weapon Master of Emblem Marksman

Mobile legends Weapon Master talent is suitable for the effect of increasing the physical damage obtained from the equipment used by 12%. This emblem is very suitable for use by Marksman heroes who are very dependent on the equipment items used.

Emblem Fighter’s Talent Festival of Blood

Talent Festival of Blood is the best talent in the fighter emblem which is very suitable for heroes who have lifestill abilities. Heroes such as thamuz, ruby, and alucard are very suitable for using this mobile legends Talent because it will give the effect of increasing the spell vamp effect by 8% and when you kill your opponent you will get an additional 1% spell vamp.

Talent Mystery Shop of Emblem Mage

Mystery Shop is a mobile legends Talent from Emblem Mage which is very suitable for hero mages who are very dependent on items. That’s because using this talent will get an effect if buying equipment items get a 50% discount.

So that’s the Best Talent Emblem in Mobile Legends (ML) that we’ve discussed. Hopefully useful and can be a good reference source for all of you. That is all and thank you! Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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