7 Best Free Fire (FF) Loadout Item For a Booyah!
One of the feature that you can try is the loadout item. You can use this loadout item to help you get some assist or additional item in the game. So here we have some of the best Free Fire loadout item that you need to know!
In Free Fire, there are many features that you can try to use to help you win the game. One of the feature that you can try is the loadout item. You can use this loadout item to help you get some assist or additional item in the game. So here we have some of the best Free Fire loadout item that you need to know!
7 Best Free Fire (FF) Loadout Item
Treasure map![]()
The first loadout item is the treasure map. The purpose of using the treasure map, is quite obvious, which is to find treasure in the map. So how does this thing work in Free Fire?
As you get on the plane in the beginning of the match, you need to activate your loadout. After you activate your loadout, only then you can check out the icon on the minimap. This item will locate you where the treasure is. In the treasure, there is a golden box with high level items for you to loot with some cool weapons in it.
Bounty token![]()
If you like to play aggressively in Free Fire, then this item might be the right choice for you. This item requires you to kill many enemy in Free Fire. Because in order for this item to work, you need to kill an enemy first. This loadout item will give high level item for you as you kill an enemy
If you’re playing as a support in Free Fire, don’t forget to use a fireplace as your loadout item. By using this loadout item in Free Fire, you can give energy point with a reasonably huge amount. So this item is useful for the whole team to reserve the medic kit in their backpack.
Air drop caller as one of the loadout item in Free Fire![]()
An air drop in Free Fire is a common thing in games like Free Fire or other battle royale games that looks alike. However, it is surely going to get better if you can call in your very own air drop. Yes, with this loadout item, you can call an air drop by designating the drop location by yourself.
This scanner loadout item will make you able to locate the enemy location. This item is very useful to use in the early game, in order for you to land safely in the game.
Crate armor![]()
With this item. you will immediately wear a random level vest and helmet as the game begins. So you don’t have to bother looking for one in the beginning of the game.
Crate supply![]()
The slight difference that this item has is that instead of armor, you will get a medic kit instead. So you don’t have to worry about healing in early game, since you already have the medic kit in your hand.
And that’s some of the best Free Fire loadout item that you need to know to get a booyah. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!