7 Easiest and Deadliest Tank Mobile Legends (ML)

For those of you who are curious, we are still discussing together about beginner-friendly tankers. They are easy to use and in fact are still very thick and strong once used.


The tankers in Mobile Legends have something in common, namely they have high sustain and are difficult to kill. It’s the same thing with the easiest and thickest Mobile Legends (ML) Tanks, they are very durable in matches. For those of you who are curious, we are still discussing together about beginner-friendly tankers. They are easy to use and in fact are still very thick and strong once used.

Not only that, because tankers usually have very high sustain, they also have strong CC. Often tankers are the opening heroes of team fights because they can control an opposing team.

Unfortunately the tankers are often forgotten for their services. Even though most of the team fights won because they were the ones who could trouble the opposing team and open a wide gap for their own team.

There are many choices of tanks available in Mobile Legends. There are also several non-tank roles that can become tanks thanks to their skillset and item builds. But this time we will discuss pure tanks.

For those of you who are curious who are the easiest and thickest Mobile Legends (ML) tanks that you can use, just look below :


Definitely the first on this list is Tigreal. He is a very sturdy tanker and is very difficult to fight thanks to his passive. In addition, Tigreal has a myriad of CCs that you can use.


Next up there’s Grock which is actually easy-not easy to use. Basically he is quite easy to play because of his skillset. But he has a high skill ceiling which good players use better.


Same with Grock where Khufra is roughly very easy to use but more useful if you understand. He is indeed one of the easiest Tank Mobile Legends (ML), but it’s better to understand his skills.


The principle of playing Hylos is simple, you ulti and then move forward. He is a very strong and terrible damage absorber which can be one of the best tankers in the game.


If you want to play aggressively, Gatotkaca which is one of the easiest Tank Mobile Legends (ML) is perfect. As a tanker, Gatotkaca can deal high damage and strong duels.


Already high damage, hard to die too. Yes, Uranus is a tanker that often fills the sidelane because he can play like a fighter. This is because he is very strong and has high damage.


Just like Tgreal where Minotaur is a pure tanker hero who is very strong from his sustain and CC. The Minotaur is often underestimated, but make no mistake about him being relatively useful.

Those are some of the easiest Mobile Legends (ML) tanks that you can use. They are very strong and suitable for those of you who need a thick tank. On the right team it would be terrible. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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