7 Most Successful Heroes In Season 22 Mobile Legends (ML), Highest Winrate!

For those of you who are curious, just go below you can see. These heroes might be an alternative for those of you who want to rank in Mobile Legends. From the data, they look very strong.


Maybe some of you are curious who are the most successful heroes in season 22 of Mobile Legends. These heroes have the highest winrates along the ranks and modes based on data from Mobile Legends. For those of you who are curious, just go below you can see. These heroes might be an alternative for those of you who want to rank in Mobile Legends. From the data, they look very strong.

Now, there’s something interesting about this data, because some of the heroes who have the highest winrate in season 22 are non-META heroes. There are META heroes but they don’t dominate here.

These heroes look very strong if you play public or classic. This is because in classic META it’s a bit different than high rank or pro matches. Therefore, these heroes will be interesting for us to discuss.

But before we discuss below, you need to remember that this data includes all ranks. So there is a possibility that their winrate can be bloated because it is used by smurfers in lower ranks and difficult in upper ranks.

Without further ado, let’s just click together below. For those who are curious, you can also just use it in classic to get used to it and then to rank.


This is interesting because Lolita is in the first position with the highest winrate. At the time of this writing, Lolita has a win rate of around 57.57%. This figure is fairly large because above 55% can be said to be OP.

But interestingly, Lolita is almost never seen in pro matches. This is a bit confusing because Lolita itself is also rarely found personally when playing. The pick rate is only about as the most successful hero in season 22 of Mobile Legends with wr 0.11%!


Furthermore, there is one marksman who has high success in season 22 this time. Yes, Kimmy looks terrible with the highest winrate of all current marksman. Kimmy has a win rate of around 55.43% which is quite high.

This may be because Kimmy gets a buff from energy that can be refilled when doing takedowns and kill creeps. This makes Kimmy more active with her 1st skill which gives buff damage.


Well, for Carmilla herself, it’s a bit strange. Of all the heroes, he probably has the lowest pick rate. But in terms of winrate, he has a winrate of around 54.78%. This does make sense because it could be that those who use him already understand very well.

Carmilal is not an easy hero to use because he needs a strong team. Without a team that is compact and can take advantage of Carmilla’s skills, this will make it difficult for him later when playing. One of the most successful heroes in the strange season 22 of Mobile Legends.


Barats currently also has a very high winrate in Mobile Legends. Currently in article writing, he has a winrate of around 54.76% which is relatively high. Maybe considering Barats is also quite flexible.

Himself in season 22 is currently very flexible because it can fill many places. Roughly he can fill all lanes and roles except mid which is a bit difficult in terms of roaming and manacost.


Kaja is also very dominant in winrate in season 22 this time. He has a relatively high winrate with 54.54% points. Kaja currently fills the sidelane more often because of the very high harass and damage as the most successful hero in season 22 of Mobile Legends.

Kaja’s very high strength certainly makes him have a high winrate. He even has a relatively high pickrate considering that Kaja is rarely banned. With this high winrate, it’s not strange if he is very META.


Mathilda currently also has a relatively high win rate with a high tire rate. This is because Mathilda as a support has high damage and as a mid is also very annoying. Winrate in season 22 this time is 54.5%.

Mathilda is also rarely picked in rank considering that she is often banned. But if she passes the ban then Mathilda will be very annoying in the game. Teams that successfully use it will feel the impact.

Yi Sun-shin

Since the change in the marksman patch, many marksman has become less popular in filling the jungle. Except for YSS, who changed his role to become an assassin. Because of this his win rate is still very high at around 54.5%.

By becoming an assassin YSS also has another success, namely being able to use War Ax. Yes, one of the broken and mandatory items in this game can be used by YSS safely because he is an assassin.

Yes, that’s the most successful hero in season 22 of Mobile Legends that you might be able to use. Of course, it can be a reference if you plan to play using them. Don’t let you not take advantage of their power. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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