5 Deadly Mobile Legends Heroes When Using Execute (ML)

On this occasion, a row of heroes that are very suitable for using battle spell execute in the Mobile Legends game. By using execute, of course, it will give you the opportunity to get additional damage in Mobile Legends.


Mobile Legends is one of the best games that you can play, in this game made by Moonton, there is a battle spell called Execute to give true damage to opponents, this is a row of Mobile Legends heroes who often use Execute in Mobile Legends. On this occasion, a row of heroes that are very suitable for using battle spell execute in the Mobile Legends game. By using execute, of course, it will give you the opportunity to get additional damage in Mobile Legends.

Execute is one of the battle spells that you can use in Mobile Legends, the ability of this Battle Spell can give you true damage which can execute opponents when they are dying. So, here is a list of heroes who quite often use execute in their games in Mobile Legends.


The first hero is da Claude, who is a marksman hero who often uses execute as a mainstay battle spell. Hero Claude with execute is the best meta which can easily defeat opponents quickly.

With the ability of the Blazing Duet skill as well as additional true damage from the execute will be able to make the opponent die instantly. Execute itself can be used by Claude when the last seconds of the opponent’s blood is dying.


Next is the hero assassin Karina in Mobile Legends. Karina’s ability to attack quickly can make the opponent difficult. This assassin hero is a specialist killer with a cooldown that can be reset.

Especially by using execute you will get additional true damage which is able to attack dying opponents easily.


Next is Guinevere who is a fighter hero in Mobile Legends. This hero is indeed very mandatory to use the Execute item, because Guinevere has a deadly combo ability.

Execute becomes the last hit attack for Guinevere who is a fighter mage hero, you will get kills easily, which is quite unfortunate that without this spell Guinevere will find it difficult to get kills.


A Hero Mage with very lethal strength, even besides this Retribution Harley is also suitable for using Execute. Because the damage that Harley will produce in an attack on the enemy, of course has a huge impact. Of course with a Hero like this, it will definitely make you stronger.

Because my Esports has seen other players using Execute, advance and can’t beat an Enemy with their Ultimate. However, because the attack distance is still close, it is Execute who eliminates the dying enemy.


An Assassin in the Mobile Legends game, even using Spell Execute is also very strong for the hero. So the use of Lancelot in matches will be something very good for the matches that you will do.

You just have to be able to understand the timing of the attack, so that once a combo with this Spell will work for the player to do. Of course with all of that, it will certainly give you one of the deadly attacks that is indeed quite deadly. Then when the enemy tries to run away with a dying state, you can just use Execute.

It will definitely be a good opportunity, so that you will have no more trouble using the Hero with a deadly attack. Using Execute will also give a completely different impression when you do it yourself.

The importance of execute to get an easy kill is the main reason. Execute is also very effective for melee heroes because the range of this spell is less effective if it’s too far away.

So that’s the list of the most powerful Mobile Legends heroes and very suitable for using Execute, I hope the above review can be useful, especially for those of you who are Mobile Legends players. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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