Advance Draft Pick Tips Mobile Legends

The draft pick is very important because from here you will start the game. Of course, with a draft pick, things like strategy, counter, build, and others will greatly affect.


The draft pick is very important because from here you will start the game. Of course, with the draft pick, things like strategy, counter, build, and others will greatly affect. Therefore for many players the draft pick will be very important. No exception for those of you who want to learn about the draft pick.

If you pay attention even in pro matches, these players consider the draft pick to be very vital. Starting from spending time thinking in drafts and counters. Even some games can be determined and become the reason for losing or winning because of the draft pick.

Here we will provide Advance Draft Pick Mobile Legends Tips for those of you who want to learn them. Of course you can’t underestimate the draft pick and choose a hero carelessly. Even though the hero you take is a high tier hero, this is not a justification because of course a high tier hero will be a priority counter.

Here’s how to get you pro in ML draft picks with Advanced Draft pick mobile legends:

1. Power Pick

In the moba game, there is a term that is important for you to know, namely power pick. Power pick is a term where you will be obliged to take a very strong hero and become a mandatory hero to use. Therefore, these heroes are often said to be power picks because taking them as the first pick has nothing to lose.

Examples of powerpicks in Mobile Legends season 17 are Chou, Esmeralda, and Yi Sun-Shin. These three heroes have a very high pick / ban rate and winrate. By holding at least one or two of these heroes, your team will have a high power pick. The enemy will find it difficult to fight heroes like this.

2. Counter Pick

Counter picks will be a little tricky because it will depend on your opponent’s pick. Depending on your opponent’s pick, you can make a pick that can kill the hero. Therefore it is sometimes important to counter the draft pick.

Examples are Akai, Luo Yi, and Atlas. These three heroes don’t shine like the previous powerpick. But in some situations these three heroes cannot be stopped. Depending on what kind of opponent you are, you can counter so they can’t be active.

3. Priority Pick / Ban

With good priorities, you can form a better strategy. You have to know what heroes or roles to pick and banned. Either randomly or consecutively, you can benefit from a draft pick. Of course, with many factors to consider.

Suppose with the previous powerpick. If in the first tire phase, you can turn off 2 power picks with tires, but will release one pick. With this you can prepare a sequence of heroes who can win and dominate the pick. Then just adjust the picks and bans which are good and profitable.

4. Bait Pick/Ban

The bait pick / ban here will be a bit difficult to do if you don’t understand the opponent’s strategy and the advanced level of the draft. Because here you can try to consider how the phase will continue and can benefit from it. Lure your opponent’s pick or tire and make them blunders.

An example is when you make a pick which will look like a hyper carry strategy in the first 3 picks then the enemy will try to counter hyper carry. But apparently in the 4th and 5th picks you pick one carry and one early game hero which breaks the hyper carry strategy and you will actually play at tempo. These are usually referred to as mind games which will be difficult to do consistently.

5. Respect Ban

Respect tires don’t actually apply to rank games because you don’t know who you are against. In official games, respect banned is sometimes very important so you don’t get in a bad position. If you do respect banned then at least you can launch your strategy.

For example, if you fight a player who is famous for playing Claude, of course you can’t just let go. The player has the highest win rate when using Claude, so you have to ban the hero. But there is one interesting thing, if you don’t do respect ban then you can do the verse like before. Let them use the hero but pick the counter afterwards. Not valid at the last pick.

With the Mobile Legends advance draft pick tips, you have to understand about a very important phase in Mobile Legends. Before the game starts, how the game will run can be quite clear. How could it not because with a good draft pick for mobile legends, the opponent will be more difficult to counter.

You also have to understand about the order of the draft pick, starting from who banned first or picked first. It could be because you got banned first, you will lose and have to take off that one power pick. Of course this is not an easy thing and you must understand this important point.

Start practicing the draft pick by playing with your team in rank. Do the tips above for you to implement and later it can be an advantage for those of you who want to play more smoothly.

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