Shotgun Specifications on PUBG Mobile, Complete!

Many players might not understand the details of this melee weapon specification. Therefore, see the explanation below!

PUBG Mobile has one type of weapon that you can use for close combat or close combat. The shotgun has great damage, it can even kill enemies in an instant. Shotgun specifications are something you need to know.


Shotgun specifications on PUBG Mobile

1. DBS Shotgun Specifications

DBS has hit damage or damage of 26 points, this damage from DBS ranks highest if you compare it to other Shotgun damage. In addition, DBS has 9 shot counts and 14 bullets in its magazine.

The number of magazines for DBS is the largest number of shotguns, therefore you no longer need to worry about running out of bullets in magazines if you use this weapon.


2. S12K

The S12K Shotgun is a Shotgun that was a favorite of many players before the arrival of DBS into the PUBG Mobile in-game. S12K has 24 points of damage with a time between shot of 0.250 seconds,

Just like DBS, the S12K has a 9 shot count with 5 to 10 bullets in its magazine. The number of Magazines is indeed smaller than DBS, but it is enough to kill 1 or 2 enemies at the same time.


3. S1897

Shotgun weapons are one of the shotguns that are rarely used by players because their existence has been displaced by DBS and S12K. S1897 has 26 points of damage with a very long time between shots of 0.750 seconds.

This weapon also has a 9 shot count and its magazine capacity is only able to accommodate about 5 bullets.


4. S686

The S686 has the same fate as the S1897, that is, there are few players willing to use it because these players are more comfortable using Shotguns like the S12K and DBS.

This weapon has 26 points of damage, and the time between shot is longer than S1897 which is 0.200 seconds. It’s not only the time between shots that is detrimental, the Magazine in this Shotgun is also very small, namely 2 bullets.


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