Angela’s New Buff in Mobile Legends (ML)

Esportsku this time will provide information about Angela's latest buff in Mobile Legends which will make this hero one of the most OP heroes in Mobile Legends. So curious about what kind of buff is given?


Mobile Legends is a game that often brings lots of updates every month. One of them is the presence of buffs and nerves that appear on every update. This is Angela’s latest buff information in Mobile Legends that will make her very OP. Esportsku this time will provide information about Angela’s latest buff in Mobile Legends which will make this hero one of the most OP heroes in Mobile Legends. So curious about what kind of buff is given?

Angela is a pretty good support hero, her ability to provide buffer to her partner heroes, where anyone who gets Angela’s ability will increase her movement speed and shield.

Especially after the ultimate is active, Angela will give double attacks or you could say two people at once so that this hero can be called the best support hero in the current Mobile Legends game.

Angela’s Latest Buff Information in Mobile Legends

Angela herself is arguably one of the poke heroes, where this ability can continuously provide uniform skills to your opponent. Now, this time, there are two buff points given, one adjustment buff which means that one skill is nerfed and something is buffed, then Angela also gets a full buff on other skills as follows.

Skill 1:

As you know, Angela is one of the heroes where the first skill has many effects, starting from slow effects, damage, and also being able to heal her teammates. Therefore, Moonton provides adjustments, a little nerf and more buffs on this skill, especially on its cooldown, damage and slow effect.

  • Magic Power Bonus of Damage: 50%> 80%
  • Team energy charging: 6s> 5s.
  • Slow effect per stack: 18%> 8%.

What gets a significant nerf actually only lies in the slow effect which becomes easier to avoid by the opponent, even so, for other skills to get a significant buff, especially in his ultimate.


In Angela’s ultimate skill, this one can provide significant buffs, especially on the use of skills, base shields and also increase magic power bonuses. Now for those who are curious about the buff itself as follows:

  • Cooldown: 80-70 seconds> 70 seconds
  • Base Shield: 1200-200> 1200-1800
  • Magic Power Bonus of Shield: 200-280%
  • Now the ultimate Angle will get a significant buff which makes him get an increase in his attributes. Now Angela will be more OP in Mobile Legends.

This buff is actually here to welcome in April, where the Grand Collector skin prize in April will be given to the hero Angela, so don’t be surprised if Angela gets a significant buff ahead of the release of her newest skin.

That’s all, for a review of information about Angela’s latest buff in Mobile Legends, this buff is guaranteed to make Angela one of the very OP heroes in the Mobile Legends game. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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