Best Free Fire (FF) Landmine Technique to Trap Your Enemy!

The damage that this item has is really huge. Which is why, it is important for you to know when is the right time to use a landmine. So here we have the best Free Fire landmine technique to trap your enemy!


There are many types of explosive items in Free Fire. And landmine is one of them. This item can be really dangerous if you know how to use it right. Landmine is an explosive item that will explode if someone steps on it. You can use it by placing it in a place where players often goes by. The damage that this item has is really huge. Which is why, it is important for you to know when is the right time to use a landmine. So here we have the best Free Fire landmine technique to trap your enemy!

Best Free Fire (FF) Landmine Technique to Trap Your Enemy!

Use it to flee from the enemy

When you try to flee from the enemy, the landmine can help you ease your daring escape. Try to run towards a building or a house, and place the landmine behind you as you run. If the enemy tries to follow your trail, then there is a high chance that they will step on your mine. This can be an effective way to use a landmine in Free Fire if you’re in a surrounded position in the game.

Use it as a trap inside a house or a building

In houses or buildings, players usually walk through the same path all over again, due to the narrow space that the building has. In this case, you can try to setup a landmine in a window or a door. This is a good way to trap the enemy that is trying to rush you, or trying to enter a building. This is also one of the simplest landmine technique in Free Fire that you can try right away.

Setup landmine Free Fire in a looting place

When you see an death crate or a loot drop, you can try placing the landmine near the drop. Most of the time, the loot drop distract the enemy attention from the landmine nearby. And this can be one of the most effective way to setup a landmine in Free Fire.

Trap the supply drop

When Free Fire players see a supply drop coming in, every players must have the desire to loot the items in it, due to the rarity of the item in the supply drop. And that’s the exact place for you to place your landmine to kill your enemy in Free Fire.

And that’s some of the best Free Fire landmine technique to trap your enemy. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!