Chou New Skin Leaks Mobile Legends
On this occasion, the Super Hero skin leaked for the Chou hero in Mobile Legends. Which this skin will be the third skin for the Super Hero skin type after Bruno and Lancelot. Here's the appearance.
In September 2020 this time Moonton has presented two Super Hero skins at once. For the two heroes, including the heroes Bruno and Lancelot in Mobile Legends.
Chou is one of the most popular fighter heroes in Mobile Legends today. The good news for those of you who are Chou users, reportedly this one fighter hero will get the third Super Hero skin in Mobile Legends.
On this occasion, the Super Hero skin leaked for the Chou hero in Mobile Legends. Which this skin will be the third skin for the Super Hero skin type after Bruno and Lancelot. Here’s the appearance.
Chou New Skin Leaks Mobile Legends
Chou is an overrated fighter hero in Mobile Legends. This one hero has very reliable skills to counter other heroes very, very easily. Have skills with complete crowd control abilities. Chou can do various things for his players.
Chou can be used as a Tank hero to attack opponents easily. With Chou’s excellent immune skill, you can easily enter enemy defense and target an opponent’s hero core who is the weak point of enemy strength.
This ability makes Chou get a lot of skins, ranging from regular skins, elite skins, epic skins and even the new skin King of Fighter and this time he will get his new caste skin, namely Super Hero.
The superhero skin leak for Chou’s hero has been around for a long time on the internet. Which currently there are two heroes with Super hero skins including Lancelot and Bruno. For the three of them will be given to the hero Chou.
Not only that. Moonton has also prepared a special avatar border for the Chou Super Hero hero to be released later. Where every skin for the Super Hero caste will get a border in its giving.
The price itself will be the same as the price for the Bruno Super hero skin that we discussed earlier. So for those of you who are curious, please read the previous article.
That’s all the leaks about the new super hero skins for the hero Chou in Mobile Legends. Hopefully our review this time can be useful especially for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers.
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