Cristiano Ronaldo is the Free Fire (FF) Brand Ambassador
In this event, you can claim your prize as you participate in the event later on. One of the most important thing that you need to know now is that this event is a symbol of Cristiano Ronaldo as the Free Fire Brand Ambassador!
Free Fire has a lot of upcoming event that you need to try in order to get some interesting prizes in it. You can claim your prize in every event by completing the missions in the event in Free Fire. One of the new upcoming event is the Operation Chrono Event Free Fire. In this event, you can claim your prize as you participate in the event later on. One of the most important thing that you need to know now is that this event is a symbol of Cristiano Ronaldo as the Free Fire Brand Ambassador!
Cristiano Ronaldo is the Free Fire (FF) Brand Ambassador![]()
As of today, Free Fire always gives the players many things for the players to try. Which is why, it is important for you to be up to date on the latest information about the Free Fire game. if you’re up to date to the information about this game, you will have the chance to claim early prizes that most players doesn’t get in an event. And now, there is a latest information about Cristiano Ronaldo being the Free Fire brand ambassador.
This is one of the most interesting information that everyone would like to know. A couple of months ago, there is a similar information about someone being a brand ambassador, which is Joe Taslim. Joe Taslim is a famous actor that is coming from Indonesia. As a brand ambassador, Joe Taslim is also released as a character in the game that you can use to play with, with the name Jota. And there are some information about the possibility of Cristiano Ronaldo being the character in Free Fire that you can play in the game.
Most information said that it’s true. Where you can try using this character as a new Chrono character Free Fire. So don’t miss the information about these things, so that you can participate in the event later on.
Because now he is officially becoming the brand ambassador, then you will only have to wait for the Chrono event to release in the game. In every Free Fire event, there are many different prizes waiting for you to claim by participating in the event. So don’t miss the chance to participate in the event. Try to be up to date on the release date when the time comes!
And that’s some information about Cristiano Ronaldo as the brand ambassador of Free Fire. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!