Crystal of Aurora How many Diamonds in Mobile Legends (ML)?
You can get Crystal of Aurora itself for free or by paying, this item is the second exchange item besides diamonds in Mobile Legends. Then the question is, what is the value of one Crystal Aurora with diamonds in Mobile Legends?
Mobile Legends has many items that are very interesting to review, one of which is Crystal of Aurora. You can use this item as a purchase tool like a diamond, but it is limited, many of you might ask about Crystal of Aurora, how much is it in Mobile Legends?You can get Crystal of Aurora itself for free or by paying. This item is the second exchange item besides diamonds in Mobile Legends. Then the question is, what is the value of one Crystal Aurora with diamonds in Mobile Legends?
This makes a lot of curiosity especially for novice players. Some players may already know because they have used it immediately, but there are some people who may still not know and are wondering about this item called Crystal of Aurora.
Crystal of Aurora How many Diamonds in Mobile Legends ?
Exchange rate (1 Crystal of Aurora = 1 Diamond). You can record the exchange rate, but you could say that instead of using diamonds. You can spend more economical funds with Crystal of Aurora if you buy a skin.
However, unfortunately purchasing skins using Crystal of Aurora itself is quite limited. You cannot buy skins using Crystal of Aurora in the Shop or the latest bundle that has just been released.
Some of the skins or heroes that you can use using Crystal of Aurora include a new Hero or Skin, you can get it by drawing.
Besides that, you can also use Crystal of Aurora in the Zodiac Summon event, this event is a permanent event on Mobile LEgends. The prize is you can get a Zodiac skin with the hero you choose.
Crystal of Aurora How many Diamonds in Mobile Legends ?
Zodiac Summon does provide an option for players to use Crystal of Aurora as the main payment, but that doesn’t make Zodiac Summon not only have Crystal of Aurora, you can also use Diamond to draw.
Then there is also the Magic Wheel which has the main payment using Crystal of Aurora. In this event, you can get various interesting items starting from heroes, skins, fragments, magic dust, emblems and many others.
Using Crystal of Aurora is the main payment for the Magic Wheel event, but you can still use diamonds if it is difficult to get Crystal of Aurora. Because the Crystal of Aurora item is indeed cheaper but it’s waiting for the time to get it.
You can say, in the two events above, namely the Magic Wheel and also the Zodiac Summon. The use of Crystal of Aurora will give you a cheaper price. In one case, using Crystal of Aurora will have half the price of using diamonds.
Now that’s all about how many Crystal Aurora and diamonds are in the Mobile Legends game, with the reviews above hopefully it will provide a useful explanation for those of you who need it. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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