Differences Season Duration PUBGM and PUBGM Lite
Currently PUBG Mobile is in Season 18 of Hundred Rhythms. Meanwhile at the same time PUBG Mobile Lite is in Season 22.
This time we will provide information about the difference in season duration between PUBG Mobile and PUBG Mobile Lite which makes it in a much different season.
Currently PUBG Mobile is in Season 18 of Hundred Rhythms. Meanwhile at the same time PUBG Mobile Lite is in Season 22.
How can PUBG Mobile Lite be in a season further away than PUBG Mobile?
Differences in Season Duration PUBG Mobile and PUBG Mobile Lite
PUBG Mobile was released in February 2018. This year PUBG Mobile is in its third year. Currently PUBG Mobile is entering its 18th season, which is Season 18 of Hundred Rhythms.
PUBG Mobile Lite is a light version of the PUBG Mobile game from PUBG Mobile. This means that this game was released after the PUBG Mobile game was released.
PUBG Mobile Lite was released in August 2019. The release time difference is more than a year longer than PUBG Mobile.
Interestingly, currently PUBG Mobile Lite is already in Season 22. Meanwhile, PUBG Mobile is still in Season 18 at the moment.
So the season difference is quite far due to the different season duration of PUBG Mobile from PUBG Mobile Lite.
One season in the PUBG Mobile game takes about 2 months. It can be seen from the opening and closing times of the Royale Pass Season in each season.
In one season, PUBG Mobile will usually present two major modes. The first half, namely the first month will release a major fashion seasonal theme. Then the second half, namely the second month will release another big mode.
For example, last season, namely Season 17 Runic Power. The first half presents the Runic Power mode, while the second half presents the Power Armor mode.
Meanwhile, one season in the PUBG Mobile Lite game only takes about a month. For example, Season 22 takes place on March 1-30, 2021.
The Winner Pass time in PUBG Mobile Lite is shorter than the Royale Pass PUBG Mobile. That means the season length in PUBG Mobile Lite is shorter than the season in PUBG Mobile.
PUBG Mobile and PUBG Mobile Lite is 1: 2 it means one PUBG Mobile season is the same as two PUBG Mobile Lite seasons.
That is why PUBG Mobile Lite is already in Season 22, far above PUBG Mobile, which is still in Season 18, even though the release date is far ahead of PUBG Mobile.
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