Elite Pass vs Membership in Free Fire (FF)

If you have enough money to spend, there is also a feature where you can get many prizes and various advantage in the game. So here we have some comparison between elite pass vs membership in Free Fire that you need to know.


In Free Fire, there are many prizes that you can get from participating in events. If you have enough money to spend, there is also a feature where you can get many prizes and various advantage in the game. These two features are the elite pass and the membership that you can purchase either weekly or monthly. So here we have some comparison between elite pass vs membership in Free Fire that you need to know.

Elite Pass vs Membership in Free Fire (FF)

You can actually purchase both of those things to get more advantage in the game. However, you need to spend around 200 thousand rupiah per months as a subscription. The prize is actually quite reasonable because it is not a weekly or daily payment. However, not everyone can afford such prices.

Which is why it is interesting for us to compare these two features in Free Fire.

Elite pass Free Fire


In terms of elite pass, there are two options available, which is the common elite pass, and the elite bundle. Basically, both are the same, but the elite bundle will give you slightly more advantage if you compare it with the elite pass. But the elite bundle is double the price than the elite pass.

With around 500 diamond in Free Fire to spend, here’s some advantage that you can get from it:

  • Many exclusive elite pass prizes that is worth 10000 diamond
  • Unlocks elite challenge
  • Limit gold increased by 100
  • Your nickname will turn bright red after a kill

From the first advantage, you know that you will get many more advantage as you open up the elite pass. You can get all of this if you have enough money to spent.

Monthly Free Fire membership

Other than elite pass, there is another Free Fire feature that is quite interesting for you to spend, which is membership. There are two membership that the game offers for you, which is weekly and monthly membership. Other than the membership time span, the advantage that you will get will also differ. It is actually more advantageous for you to get a monthly membership in Free Fire.

For monthly membership, the price is actually a little bit more expensive than the elite pass, with a difference at around 20 to 30 thousand rupiah. Here’s some advantage that you can get from getting the monthly membership in Free Fire:

  • You can get the AK47 gold skin (30 days)
  • 100 free diamonds instantly
  • You will get 60 diamonds per day, with a total of 1900 diamonds every month
  • Get an advantage as much as 238% if you compare it with purchasing a diamond one by one
  •  Special weekly card VIP icon is available for you

From the advantages above, you can see that the AK gold skin and the diamond is the main prize that you will get if you purchase the monthly membership. In fact, you will get a total of 2000 diamonds!

And that’s some of the comparison between the elite pass vs membership in Free Fire. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!